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Alpharetta Youth Baseball Association

Alpharetta Youth Baseball Association

News Detail


May, 2023

The History of Alpharetta Youth Baseball Association


In November of 1967, the land for Wills Park was purchased from Q. A. Wills by Fulton County.


Wills Park was constructed by Fulton County on land sold to the county by Q.A. Wills. Wills was the Mayor of Alpharetta and lived across the street from the park.

The athletic fields were what is now known as Fields 1, 2, 3 & 4. Field 1 & 2 combined also served as a football field during the fall. There was no fence separating Fields 1 & 2. The small storage building between Field 1 and 4 also served as the concession stand. The current two story building did not exist.

The baseball program was created by the City of Alpharetta Mayor and Council. City Councilman Charles Rainwater was responsible for the operation of the league. The league was not sanctioned with any organization. There was no tee-ball. Players pitched in all age groups. There was no draft. Coaches recruited their own teams.


Began drafting teams.


Wills Park Youth Baseball Association was formed and sanctioned with Dixie Youth Baseball. James Densmore was the President/Commissioner. Carroll Shirley was the Secretary. Buddy Stovall was the Treasurer.

The City of Alpharetta drug and lined the fields. Fulton County owned the park and provided the lights. AYBA ran the program.


The softball program was started.


Buddy Stovall was President/Commissioner.


Jerry Holmes was the President/Commissioner.


Flagpole and marker outside Field 4 center field fence dedicated to Charles Rainwater.


Roger Holcomb was President/Commissioner.


Started travel baseball program. Changed sanctioning from Dixie Youth Baseball to Dizzy Dean Baseball.


Wills Park was purchased from Fulton County by the City of Alpharetta in 1995 and took possession of the park on January 1, 1996. Began separate registration opportunity for City of Alpharetta residents.


Started using the voice mail box for communication to coaches.


Established the domain name. Various volunteers had provided websites for the league in prior years. Wills Park hosted its first travel baseball tournament during Spring Break for 13 & 14 year old teams.


Created Travel Supplement for the AYBA Rulebook. Hosted three travel baseball tournaments, including two qualifying tournaments.


Rebuilt lower concession stand. New website.


Bill Lusby becomes President/Commissioner.


Wills Park and Webb Bridge Park programs merge to form the Alpharetta Youth Baseball Association.

Reached 100 followers on the AYBA Facebook page on December 22, 2011.


Reached 500 followers on the AYBA Facebook page on June 22, 2012.


Reached 600 followers on the AYBA Facebook page on January 25, 2013.

Reached 700 followers on the AYBA Facebook page on May 21, 2013.


Installed New AYBA Scoreboards on the Turf Field and Fields 1 and 2 to enhance the fan's experience.


Reached 1178 followers on the AYBA Facebook page on August 7, 2017.

Reached 554 followers on the AYBA Twitter account on August 7, 2017

Installed new AYBA Scoreboards on Fields C and D to improve the fan's experience.

Built a 6,800 sq. ft. covered baseball pavilion with 8 batting cage lanes and 2 pitching lanes.


In the Spring of 2023 the AYBA Board voted in favor of moving forward on constructing a new website.


Alpharetta Youth Baseball Association
1825 Old Milton Parkway 
Alpharetta, Georgia 30009

Email: [email protected]

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