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Stafford Little League Baseball & Softball

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Sep, 2024

Rich Smith named 2024 Wakefield Youth Baseball and Softball Volunteer of the Year from Connecticut

Boston, MA, September 28th, 2024 - Volunteer organizations can only operate when people step up to donate their time and energy to help them run.   Here in Stafford, we are fortunate to have terrific members of our community that go above and beyond to provide our youth with great athletic opportunities.   With Stafford Little League, Rich Smith has worked with kids tirelessly not only for his baseball juniors division but helping in every aspect of our league.  If you don’t see him working in our cages, or prepping a field, you will find him helping with concessions on the grill.  If you don’t see him working a scoreboard, you can find him getting umpires, hanging banners, or delivering equipment.  He is also the founder of the Stafford Royals travel team, creating even more opportunity for kids to continue playing after little league.  When it’s not the spring, summer or fall season – he can be found facilitating indoor sessions to help keep kids active over the winter.   He is a part of all our fund-raising efforts and as of 2024, has further volunteered as an assistant varsity coach for the high school team.   A Stafford Fan through and through, He is often seen at SHS games for all sports, supporting the booster club and always encouraging kids to stay active in sports, do their best in school and be good people.  

The Red Sox Foundation actively looks for people like Rich to honor as volunteer of the year.  Each season, they select nominees from each New England state to be named as such in honor of the late, great Tim Wakefield who dedicated his philanthropy to improving the lives of children across the New England region.

Please join Stafford Little League in Congratulations to our own Rich Smith on being named one of the 2024 Wakefield Youth Baseball and Softball Volunteer of the Year from Connecticut

Thank you Rich and Congratulations on this well-deserved honor for our league and community!  Very proud moment for our state, town, Stafford High and little league!

Stafford Little League Baseball & Softball

1 Bosco Fowler Way 
Stafford Springs, Connecticut 06076
Email : [email protected]
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