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All-Girls Flag Football

NFL Flag Official League


WillCo Girls Flag Football Coach/Parent/Player Code of Conduct

The WillCo Girls Flag Football League strives to provide positive athletic experiences for players and families. We are dedicated to providing every participant an opportunity to learn, play and have fun.

While we acknowledge the fact that athletic participation is a competitive venture, we believe that in the recreational context, participation and good sportsmanship are more important than winning. In keeping with our philosophy, the following rules and guidelines are provided to ensure that everyone can enjoy a positive experience. The WillCo Girls Flag Football Board can refuse participation to anyone for poor behavior.

·         Parents and spectators should refrain from “GRANDSTAND COACHING,” BADGERING OR HARASSING any member or coach of their respective team, the opposing team, referees, spectators or board members.

o    PENALTY: Before imposition of any penalty set out below, WillCo Girls Flag Football staff will make every effort to approach the offender and inform him or her that the conduct is unacceptable and that if it continues may impose any of the below options as deemed appropriate by the President with advisement of the Board of Directors. However, in the case of conduct that is abusive, threatening or interrupts play, any of the following penalties may be imposed immediately:

§  The parent/spectator may be ejected from the playing facility.

§  The parent/spectator may be suspended from Recreation Program Properties and/or school properties while it is being used by the Recreation Department for 1 year.

§  Lifetime ban from Programming.

§  If any parent is guilty of any misconduct mentioned above, said parent’s child could be suspended from further participation in the league as determined by the commissioner of the sport program.



o   Any infraction of the Code of Conduct will result in immediate ejection from the playing facility. Any player, manager, spectator, or parent ejected from the playing facility has 2 minutes to be out of sight and sound or the game will be considered a forfeit.

1. NO PLAYER, COACH, SPECTATOR OR PARENT SHALL: At any time lay a hand upon, push, shove or threaten to strike any person.

2. NO PLAYER, COACH, SPECTATOR OR PARENT SHALL: Refuse to abide by an official’s decision.

3. NO PLAYER, COACH, SPECTATOR OR PARENT SHALL: Be guilty of objectionable demonstrations of dissent at an official’s decision by throwing balls, equipment, or objects.

4. NO PLAYER, COACH, SPECTATOR OR PARENT SHALL: Be guilty of heaping personal verbal abuse upon any official, coach, player, parent, board member, or volunteer.

5. NO PLAYER, COACH, SPECTATOR OR PARENT SHALL: Be guilty of physical attack as an aggressor upon any players, officials, coaches, spectators or board members.

6. NO PLAYER, SPECTATOR OR PARENT SHALL: Discuss with an official in any manner the decision reached by such official except the team designated captain or manager as determined prior to the game starting.

7. NO PLAYER SHALL: Be guilty of using unnecessary rough tactics in the play of the game against the body and person of an opposing team.

a. With any incident that may result in a suspension, all parties involved will have 48 hours to submit one written statement to the President of the sport to make a decision. The President is not required to conduct an extensive investigation beyond 1 statement from each individual.

PENALTY: (RULES 1-7) – POSSIBLE SUSPENSION FOR THE SEASON. Officials will make a written report to the League Board of Directors.

SUSPENSIONS: The degree of flagrancy is in the official’s judgment. The official will make a written report to the President of the Sport. Suspensions will take place accordingly. Violations can range from a 2-game suspension to suspension for the remainder of the season. If there is a second occurrence or the degree of flagrancy warrants this type of action on the first offense, the player, manager, spectator, or parent will be suspended from all recreation property or school property used by the recreation department for one year. (A player, manager, spectator, or parent that is suspended may appeal this suspension to the President and Board of Directors of the WillCo Girls Flag Football League.

WillCo Girls Flag Football 

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