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Basketball Registration is now open!

Please go to:

Please read information below for important information about registration, evaluations, etc. There are many program changes this year. Please take the time to read in full. 

Please note registration closes: 10.15.24 **we will be unable to extend registration past the deadline**


Little Dribblers Pre K & K:

Little Dribblers is a fun instructional program for children currently in Kindergarten or entering K in 2025 with birthdays between 09/01/18 and 08/31/20 (no birthdate exceptions). Players will learn age-appropriate skills, fundamentals, and team concepts in a fun and safe environment. This instructional program is held once a week for all participants (Day of the week TBD). Player must reside in HRSD or already be enrolled in HRSD (no exceptions). 

Recreation Programs Grades 1-8:

All players who live in the Hampshire Regional School District are eligible to register and play for SYAA Hampshire Recreational Basketball! School of Choice Students are also eligible to register.

Recreation Basketball program teaches players the fundamentals of basketball. They will learn skills such as dribbling, passing, shooting and more in a fun environment.  

Grades 1-2 Boys and 1-2 Girls Recreation Program

Players in this division will play 3v3 style of basketball

Grades 3-4 Boys and 3-4 Girls Recreation Program

Players in this division will play 5v5 style of basketball

Grades 1-4 Recreation: Most weeks, there will be one practice during the week and one game on the weekend (could be either Saturday or Sunday).  On occasion, there may be two games on a weekend.  Practices will start early December. Games will start January 4 and will end March 8. Games will be played in Southampton or Easthampton. There might be an occasional weeknight game if a game needs to be made up and both coaches agree.  Game schedules will be released in mid-December will be able to be found at: central-Calendar

Grade 5-6 Boys, 5-6 Girls, 7-8 Boys, 7-8 Girls Recreation Program

Our 5-8th grade recreation program focuses on continued skill development. Teams play in the Quabbin Valley Basketball League ( with towns such as Belchertown, Wilbraham, South Hadley, Hatfield, Chicopee, Granby, East Longmeadow, Monson, Ludlow, Palmer, Northampton, Easthampton, Ware, etc.  All practices will be in town as well as at least half of the games. The other half of games will be in the other communities, in their gyms.  Teams would expect to meet 1-3 times a week for practices and games. Teams will get one practice each week. Games are held on weeknights and weekends and will start in January and run no later than March 23. We will try to keep games on weekends as much as possible. Typically speaking, weeknight games would start after 5:30pm.  The game schedule is released in mid-December.  Game schedules, directions and rules will be able to be found at:

There will be approximately, 10 games, for recreation programs.

Competitive Program:

Grade 5-6 Boys, 5-6 Girls, 7-8 Boys, 7-8 Girls Suburban Program

Our Grade 5-8 Suburban Basketball program plays in the Suburban Basketball League which has teams from all over Western Massachusetts.  There are separate boys and girls leagues, links to the websites are listed below. The leagues have other requirements such as maximum ages, that we will verify once players are signed up Tryouts for these teams are held if we have enough players signed up. Ideally, a roster would consist of 10 players. Dates will be selected and announced after registrations have closed. Players that don’t make the team will have the option to play on one of our Quabbin League division teams or can opt for a full refund. Coaches for the teams are not selected until after the tryout process has been completed. Commitment is approximately 4 days a week. Typically, each team gets two weeknight practice sessions for the season and weekend times before games begin.  We expect games to begin early December and the league typically plays into early March.  Games are held on weekday and weekends in this league.  Game schedules will be able to be found at the links below:

Boys Suburban Basketball:

Girls Suburban Basketball:

For all divisions:

Practice days/times are determined by the head coaches of each team, and we do not know the practice nights in advance of the season.


We typically don’t get to enter the gyms until 5:00 pm during the week.  We try to schedule the younger kids earlier, and the older age groups (7/8th grade) could go as late as 9pm.

Equipment Needed for all divisions
Athletic Clothing 

Sneakers**We ask that players have a dedicated pair of sneakers they change into once they are inside to avoid snow, sand, salt etc. being brought into the gym/cafe. Please plan to change your sneakers in the hallway outside the gym/cafe prior to entering the gym. 

For the most part, communications from us go through the coaches as far as cancellations and notification about practices.  You should hear from your coach around Thanksgiving in regards to team details and practices.  

Registration Fees/Dates:

Once you begin registration it will allow you to select the correct division. If you go to available programs you may select the correct division from this tab as well.

Payment is expected at the time of registration for both recreation and suburban programs. You must register for both programs at the time of registration (if you are unsure if you player will make Suburban please register for recreation).

1st year Suburban players are encouraged to play recreation and Suburban. 2nd year Suburban players/starters are not allowed to play recreational basketball. 

7/8 Grade players are encouraged to play Suburban even if the plan to make JV. 

Registration Fee’s

Little Dribblers Registration Fee: $75.00


Grades 1-2 Boys and Girls Recreation Registration Fee: $90.00

Grades 3-8 Boys and Girls Recreation Registration Fee: $120.00



Grade 5-8 Boys and Girls Suburban Program Registration Fee: $175.00-plus the cost of the uniform


If your child is not selected for Suburban a refund will be issued.

There will be no refunds issued after the 1st game. Any request for a refund will be the cost of registration minus $25.00 for t-shirt cost, online fee, etc.

Evaluations/Open Gym:

***Dates will be announced soon

***Parents will not be allowed to stay for evaluations


We will be offering 50% discount off registration for head coaches and assistant coaches who attend the coaches meeting, PCA training, and complete their paperwork (refunded will be applied once these are complete). 

Positive Coaching Alliance

Hampshire Basketball is excited to offer coaches training to all coaches via positive Coaching Alliance! Additional training dates coming soon! A Parent Positive Coaches Alliance will also be introduced this year! Dates coming soon! Training Dates to be determined

Additional Important Dates

Coaches Meetings: TBD 

Coaches PCA training: TBD

Parents PCA training: TBD

Please consider volunteering as a coach, assistant coach, timekeeper, or official. Volunteers are essential to our program.

Please email [email protected] if there are any questions about the little dribblers program 

Please email [email protected] if there are any questions about the boys program.

Please email [email protected] if there are any questions about the girls program.


Financial assistance is available please email us [email protected] if financial assistance is needed. 


Thank you!


SYAA Hampshire Basketball

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