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8U Baseball and Softball Rules

  1.  In an effort to introduce and encourage softball players, coaches and parents to invest time in pitcher development MYBSA has added a “player pitch” exhibition inning to the beginning of each 8U Baseball and 8U Softball game.
    1. The "player pitch," portion of the game will occur prior to the first inning of the game.  No score will be kept in this inning.
    2. Each team will use 1 pitcher. The pitcher will be limited to 3 outs or 20 pitches. There will be no new hitter after the pitcher has thrown their 20th pitch of the inning. The pitcher will be allowed to finish the batter in which the 20th pitch was thrown. After 3 outs or “Home team” pitcher reaches pitch limit, the home team will bat. After “visiting team” gets 3 outs or “visiting team” pitcher reaches pitch limit, the player pitch exhibition inning will be over, and the game can begin with the visiting team batting in the top of the first inning.

iii)  A coach from the pitchers team will call balls and strikes from behind the mound.  Coaches will call a large strike zone - Letters to shins and a ball on each side of the plate. There is no scenario where any player, coach or parent should comment on the strike zone.

iv)   here shall be no stealing or advancing on wild pitches or passed balls during the game.

  1. Base runners may take a reasonable lead off when the pitcher releases the ball.
  2. Bunting is not allowed during any portion of the game.

2)     Offensive lineup:  All players present must be in batting line up every inning, unless removed due to injury or a disciplinary reason. An automatic out will be taken if only 8 batters. When batting more than 8, if any position in the batting order is left open due to injury, illness, or ejection it will be an automatic out if a sub is not available. If a team only has 7 players present they forfeit. Coaches may agree to play to time limit for practice. 

  1. Defensive Positions: The defensive team must have a minimum of 8 players in the field with a maximum of 10 defensive players in the field, but no more than 6 including the catcher, can be positioned inside the infield baselines. (aka: All outfielders must be in the grass.)
  2. Game are 6 innings
  3. Each player must play a minimum of 2 innings unless there is a disciplinary reason for playing fewer innings.
  4. Teams are limited to scoring 6 runs per inning except the 6th inning when 3 outs must be made by the defensive team.
  5. Time limit is 120 minutes with no new inning starting after the time limit. Games may end in a tie.
  6. Mercy rule: 12 after 3, 10 after 4, 8 after 5. If mercy rule applies, coaches may agree to play until time limit for practice.
  7. Free Substitution

10)  If a batted ball hits the pitching machine the ball is dead.  The batter is awarded first base and all base runners advance 1 base.

11)   If a defensive player causes the ball to hit the pitching machine or the coach when the ball is in the field of play, the ball is dead and all runners advance 1 base.

12)   The play must be stopped by the defensive team.  Once the runners have stopped running and have no intention of advancing to the next base, the play will be declared dead. If the runner(s) have stopped and the ball has been returned to the pitchers circle the play is dead.

  1. Baseball - Base distance is 60 ft. Pitching line distance is 40 ft. Pitching machine speed: 37-40mph. Softball – Base distance 60 ft. Pitching line distance 35 ft. Pitching Machine Speed: 36-39mph.
  2. A 10 ft. circle will be place around the pitching machine or pitching line.  The pitcher must stay within that circle.
  3. Player pitcher must stand on left or right side of pitching machine, or behind pitching machine, and with one foot on the circle, but with body and other foot outside circle.
  4. Batter will have 3 strikes (meaning swing and miss) or 5 pitches to put the ball in play. If on the 5th pitch, the batter fouls the ball, he will be awarded another pitch.  The batter will continue to get another pitch as long as he fouls the ball off or puts the ball in play.  If the batter swings and misses or fails to swing on any pitch after the 5th pitch, the batter will be called out.
  5. Home team keeps scorebook.
  6. Each team shall provide a player catcher with appropriate catcher gear. Prior to pitch being thrown, the catcher shall get into catching position in catcher box and provide a glove target.
  7. Home team will provide a volunteer umpire, if no one volunteer(s); away team may provide an umpire, if no one then volunteer(s) coaches from each team will call bases.
  8. Score controller is available in equipment shed behind home plate. If Mercy rule applies game is over and scoreboard should be shut or scores returned to zero.

21.) Safety Equipment - As a general rule, MYBSA continues its long standing policy of permitting guardian and players to determine the use of the protective equipment when they deem it appropriate. MYBSA encourages players to utilize any protective equipment that they deem appropriate. Such protective equipment will be allowed in MYBSA sanctioned play, unless by rule or by Director/Umpire ruling that such protective equipment is disallowed as unsafe or as providing an unfair competitive advantage. If used, the equipment must not be detached. Detached equipment can result in an obstruction or interference ruling. Repeated acts could be grounds for ejection.


22) Scoring in the last inning. All innings in a MYBSA Summer Recreation game have a 6 run max. The only exception is the last inning where there is No Max, so you play until 3 outs. 

  • First, ideally coaches or the umpire should annouce the last inning prior to the beginning of that inning if other than the 6th inning.  That said this is not always obvious when the inning begins. So if you are the visiting team, it is important you watch the clock. So lets say you enter the 4th inning down 7 runs, you score 6, but look at your clock and notice the game has reached the 1 hour and 30 minute mark. At this point you should probably call time out and have a meeting with the opposing coach/umpire to confirm she/he does not feel another inning can be played, if all agree, the visiting should be able to continue their at bat until 3 outs. If 6 innings are not attainable due to time restriction, coaches will determine which inning will be the last, allowing that inning to have no max run rule.


  1. Where the above rules do not apply refer to PONY baseball and softball rules, or just do what is best for the kids!!!

Marion Wildcats Softball

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Marion, Illinois 62959
Email : [email protected]
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