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Woburn Pee Wee Football and Cheer

Woburn Cheerleading – Cheer Rules of Conduct

  1. Cheerleading is a team sport and not an individual sport that all cheerleaders must compete on the road to Nationals.  Tiny-Mite teams do not compete but only exhibit in two competitions in October.
  2. All Participants are required to abide all National and WPW policies on attendance, academics, alcohol, drug and tobacco use.
  3. Participants must make a commitment to maintain their body and mind in top physical and mental condition.
  4. Participants must attend all practices and games unless the coach excuses absence.  Excused absence may include illness, religion, or death in the family.
  5. You are required to abide by all the safety guidelines for all participants.
  6. Participants shall wear proper attire for all practices.  Participants will not be allowed to practice unless proper attire is worn: Failure to wear this attire will result in an unexcused practice.
  7. Participants who have one unexcused practice or game can receive up to a one game suspension.  Two unexcused practices or games will result in a meeting with coach, parents, and player.  A Participant suspended from the team may appeal the decision to the President.
  8. Practices are scheduled on the basis of the availability of practice areas and time, and the needs of the team.  Times may vary but a schedule will be set each year.  An attempt will be made to adhere to the schedule.  If the schedule is changed without notice, the player will not be charged with an unexcused absence.
  9. All Participants must have a physical after January 1st of the current year and before Practice starts in August of the current year in order to participate in football. The physical is good for one calendar year.
  10. Participants are required to travel to and from other events on bus when available.  You are expected to act properly at all times.  If there is any inappropriate conduct, Participants will be suspended for one game. NOTE:  In the event of an emergency, Participants can receive permission to travel with PARENTS ONLY.
  11. Participants should be aware that as long as you are wearing your uniform you are representing your family, Woburn Pop Warner, coach, team, and community.  Participants will conduct themselves at all times with honesty, integrity, poise, and composure and demonstrate sportsmanship.
  12. Be gracious in victory and defeat and play within the rules and accept the outcome. Uniformity: Maintained at all times
  13. Participant Cell phone use on the field is prohibited (unless emergency). Participant will receive up to a one game suspension.
  14. If a Participant is absent from school and cannot attend practice or if a problem occurs you are to “call the head coach." 
  15. All participants will follow the direction of any coach and the philosophy of the team that he/she is a member of. There are no parents allowed on the sidelines unless they are part of a game chain crew or there is an emergency.
  16. Hazing or bullying incident or failure to report will result in immediate dismissal from the program.
  17. Cheerleading costs - Cheerleading skirts approximately $120.  Tops are provided by the program.  Will provide sneaker information for you to purchase.  Coaches to meet with all parents to their teams to go over what to expect and answer any questions.

Woburn Pee Wee Football Association Inc

Woburn Pee Wee Football and Cheer, PO Box 18
Woburn, Massachusetts 01801
Email : [email protected]
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