Congratulations on registering with Grand Association Pop Warner!
1. I'm registered, what's next?
First and most importantly - you must submit the required paperwork in order to have your player placed on a roster. Paperwork should be submitted to [email protected]
Teams will be finalized in early July. Coaches will contact you and parent/player meetings will be held in late July.
Watch our website and Facebook page for upcoming events and more details.
2. What equipment will we need to buy?
Grand Pop Warner is no longer provides helmets and shoulder pads. Parents will provide a white helmet, pads and practice uniforms, compression shorts, football cleats and a mouth guard with a strap.
NOTE-ALL HELMETS must be new white or certified in the Current year (2024)
All players should have this equipment for the first practice. Players requiring glasses must purchase approved CLEAR sports glasses (no tint or transitional lenses) on a head fitting keeper strap.
3. When does practice start?
Practice starts July 29th. For the first 2 weeks, practices typically run from Monday - Friday from 6 pm to 8 pm. After the first 10 practices are complete, practices will be 2 days a week from 6 pm to 8 pm. Days are times are subject to field availability and weather conditions. Coaches or Business Managers will notify parents/players of any changes.
4. When are games?
Games are played on Saturdays with start times ranging from 8 am to 2 pm according to division. Generally the younger divisions play first and oldest divisions last. Schedules are distributed in mid-August with the season starting at the end of August, playoffs in October and the state championship in late October/early November.
5. Is fundraising required or sponsorships needed?
Yes! Pop Warner is a non-profit organization and strives to make our programs affordable to everyone.
We are the only youth football organization that provides certified equipment to all players. Registration fees help to cover costs of fields, lighting, referees, medics, and equipment. However in order to keep our fees affordable for everyone, teams are also required to pay an assessment fee to cover the remaining expenses. Additional funds raised by teams are applied towards perks for the team such as personalized jerseys, t-shirts, parties, etc.