Website Manager

Northwest Little League

NWLL Safety Plan

The safety and well-being of all of our participants is our top priority. We strive to create an environment that is as safe as possible both on and off the field. Northwest Little League does not tolerate any type of abuse against a minor, including, but not limited to, sexual, physical, mental, and emotional (as well as any type of bullying, hazing, or harassment). Our goal is to prevent child abuse from occurring through required screenings, training and education, awareness, and mandated reporting of abuse.

Safety Plan

Background Checks

We utilize the Little League volunteer application form to conduct annual background checks on coaches, umpires and other volunteers and prohibit anyone with any offenses that would disqualify them as a participant in any Little League activity.

Abuse Awareness Training

All of our volunteers are required to complete an Abuse Awareness Training provided by USA Baseball.

Automated External Defibrillator (AED) machines

We have 2 AED machines on site in the concession stands of fields 1 and 2 in case of a cardiac emergency. A Director on Duty is assigned to manage the fields on game days and is up to date on how to use these machines.  


If you have any questions or concerns about the safety at Northwest Little League, please email [email protected].