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Noble Babe Ruth League Bylaws 

Effective September 1, 2023

Revised February 19, 2024

Article I - Name, Location, and Perpetuity

  1. This organization known as Noble Youth Baseball [hereinafter “NYB”] may operate under any other appropriate name, but such name shall be properly recorded in the office of the State of Maine Secretary of State.  Either the real or assumed name of this corporation may be changed pursuant to the Maine statutes.

  1. The principal location of this corporation is located at P.O. Box 55, Berwick, in the County of York, Maine, 03901.

  1. This corporation is to have perpetual existence.

Article II -Purpose and Objectives

  1. The purpose of NYB shall be to operate exclusively as a non-profit educational organization providing a supervised program of competitive baseball.  

  1. The objectives of NYB are:  

    1. To provide and encourage any youth meeting the requirements as to age and residence, as set forth by Babe Ruth and Cal Ripken Baseball to compete for participation in the local league.  

  1. To promote and maintain amateur baseball within the geographic area covered by NYB, with Babe Ruth Baseball League and Cal Ripken Major League, Cal Ripken Minor League, Cal Ripken Rookie League, and Cal Ripken T-Ball League programs under conditions most favorable to the enjoyment of the game and a spirit of cooperation between players, officials, parents, spectators, head coaches and assistant coaches.  

  1. To provide an equal opportunity for every youth, regardless of race, ethnicity, color, sex, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, and/or disability, in the geographic area covered by NYB who is within the age group approved for Babe Ruth and Cal Ripken. 

  1. The main objective of NYB shall be to implant firmly in the minds of the youth and the community, the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage, and respect for authority, so that they may be well-adjusted, stronger, and happier youth and give them the will to grow to be decent, healthy, and trustworthy individuals. 

  1. To teach youth in the geographic area covered by NYB the spirit of teamwork, team play and the proper attitudes in both winning and losing. 

  1. To achieve these objectives, NYB will provide a supervised program of competitive baseball games under the rules of NYB. Directors, officers, and members should bear in mind that stressing exceptional athletic skills or winning games is secondary, and that the type of leadership extended to youths is of prime importance.

Article III – Membership

  1. Eligibility: Any person sincerely interested in active participation to affect the objectives of NYB may apply to become a member.  


  1. Classes: There shall be the following classes of members:


Player Members: Any child meeting the requirements of NYB and who resides within the authorized boundaries shall be eligible to participate but shall have no rights in the management of NYB.  All players are responsible for participating in practices, games, and other team activities in concert with their Parent Member. Failure to participate may result in a removal from the team to make space available for those who are interested in participating. 

Parent Members: Any parent or guardian of a paid player member in this local league. All parent members shall meet the following requirements to be considered in good standing:  

  1. Seeing that the player member is at team functions on time, 

  2. Working in the concession stands as assigned, 

  3. Cooperating with team head coaches and coaches,  

  4. Attendance of one parent or the parents’ duly designated representative at each game,  

  5. Participating in all league fund raisers, and

  6. Attending the opening day and closing ceremonies.

  7. Signing and abiding by the NYB Parent Code of Conduct 


Any parent found to not be in good standing will be subject to disciplinary action at the discretion of the board.


Regular Members: Any person actively interested in furthering the objectives of NYB may become a regular member upon request and Board approval. Only regular members in good standing (having attended at least three board meetings in the previous calendar year) who are voted to the Board are eligible to vote at Board Meetings.  To be clear, Regular Members not voted to the Board have no voting rights regardless of if they have attended the minimum number of Board Meetings. All officers, board members, committee members, coaches, and other elected or appointed officials are active regular members by definition and must maintain good standing as set forth in application to vote. The secretary shall maintain the role of membership to qualify voting members. 

Honorary Members: Any person may be elected as Honorary Member by the unanimous vote of all Executive Board members present at any duly held meeting and shall have no rights, duties, or obligations in the management of NYB.  

Sustaining Members: Any person not a player member, parent member, or regular member that is involved in NYB will be considered a Sustaining Member, but will have no rights, duties, or obligations, in the management of NYB. 

As used hereinafter, the word "Member" shall mean all classes of members except players, unless otherwise stated. 

  1. Player/Member Conduct

  1. Members, including player members, shall not be required to be affiliated with another organization or group to qualify as members of NYB.  

  1. NYB’s Player Suspension Policy:

  1. All suspensions imposed by head coaches are required to be immediately reported to the League Player Agent and Division Player Agent of the division that the player plays in. 

  1. Suspension should be for no more than one game at a time.  

  1. Only the Board of Directors Executive Board shall make the final decision regarding multiple suspensions of players after meeting with head coaches, coaches, etc. 

Player Ejection Policy: First ejection from game by an umpire will result in the player not being able to participate or play in their team's next officially played game. This rule includes both regular season and postseason play by all league sponsored teams. A Second ejection will result in an immediate 3 game suspension and review of that player’s playing status in NYB by the Board of Directors Executive Board.

Coach Ejection Policy: If a coach is ejected from a game, he/she must sit out the next scheduled game and immediately leave the park. If a coach is ejected twice in the same season, he/she will not be allowed to coach for the rest of that season and will also serve a one (1) year suspension from all NYB divisions.  The coach will have the right to appeal the one-year suspension to the board, with the board's decision being final.

  1. Suspension or Termination. 

Membership may be terminated by resignation or action of the Board of Directors in accordance with the following criteria: 

  1. The Board of Directors, by a two-thirds vote of those present at any duly constituted meeting, shall have the authority to discipline or suspend or terminate any member of any class when the conduct of such person is considered detrimental to the best interest of NYB.  The member(s) involved shall be notified in writing of such a meeting, informed of the general nature of the charges, and given an opportunity to appear at the meeting to answer to these charges.  

  1. The Board of Directors shall, in the case of a player member, give notice in writing to the head coach of the team of which the player is a member.  Said head coach shall appear, in the capacity of advisor, with the player and option of parent/legal guardian, before the Executive Board.  The Executive Board  shall have the power to suspend or revoke such player's right to future participation in NYB by a simple majority vote.

  1. The President of NYB retains the authority, after consulting with the executive board members, to bypass this process and remove a coach or player member without board approval. The Board of Directors retains the authority to veto the decision of the President of NYB with a 2/3 majority vote. The President of NYB should only execute this clause when the actions of the coach or players member involve violence or legal matters that pose a threat to the standing of NYB in the community. 

Article IV - Board of Directors

  1. The management affairs of NYB shall be vested in the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall be elected at the annual meeting and serve from September 1st to August 31st of the following year.  The time and place of the annual meeting shall be held at the discretion of the current Board of Directors.

  1. Board membership shall include board officers (Executive Board) and all board members. Any active board member in good standing with voting power will hold an office or position.  

  1. The minimal number of directors to be elected for the ensuing year shall be five (5).  Anyone interested in becoming a member of the board of directors shall make a request to a current board member and be present at the annual meeting. Nominations shall also be accepted from the floor before any vote is taken. All decisions regarding membership on the board of directors will be made regardless of race, ethnicity, color, sex, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, and/or disability 

  1. All Board Members (officers included) must attend a minimum of three (3) board meetings in the current calendar year or prior year before voting rights will be granted.  The secretary shall be responsible for keeping attendance records so that all voters can be validated in this regard.

  1. If any vacancy occurs in the Board of Directors, by death, resignation or otherwise, it may be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Directors at any regular meeting or at any special meeting called for the purpose of filling said vacancy. 

  1. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held following the annual election and on such days thereafter as shall be determined by the Board.  The goal will be to hold enough meetings such that the business of NYB can be effectively completed.

  1. NYB will elect its board members at the annual meeting prior to the close of the fiscal year.  

  1. The Board may, at its choosing, adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of its meetings.  

  1. The Board shall have the power by a two-thirds vote of those present at any regular or special meetings to discipline, suspend or remove any Board of Director, head coach, coach, officer, team representative, committee member or any other member of NYB.   

  1. The Board shall conduct meetings with all head coaches and coaches, as deemed necessary.  

  1. The Board shall receive, from the treasurer, at the annual meeting of the members of NYB, a written report of the amount of monies applied, appropriated, and expended, during the year and the purposes, objects, or persons to or for which such applications, appropriations, or expenditures that have been made.  This report shall be filed and entered in the minutes of the annual meeting.   

  1. In the event a situation arises which is not considered by the By-Laws, all rulings shall be made by the Board of Directors.

Article V- Meeting of Board of Directors

  1. A meeting of the Board of Directors may be called by the President of NYB at any time or shall be called at any time upon written request of at least three members of the Board.  Requests for meetings must be complied with within a time of one week. Notice of such meetings shall be given by the Secretary to each board member.  

  1. Notice of all meetings of the Board of Directors shall be given at least two days in advance thereof to all members of the Board. Time waiver can be overruled if a simple majority of the Board so declares. All such notices shall be given by an officer of NYB. Any Board member who misses three meetings in a year, without proper written explanation, may be dismissed. The member may request a hearing before the Board of Directors before the dismissal is final.  

  1. Half of the duly elected board must be present to constitute a board meeting and shall constitute a quorum. The majority vote of those present shall govern except when otherwise provided for herein.  

  1. Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of all meetings of the membership and Directors of NYB, except when same conflicts with the Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws.

  1. NYB Board of Directors meetings may allow for use of online meeting technology when deemed appropriate. The Board of Directors reserves the right, through a majority vote, to suspend the use of online meeting technology at any point.

Article VI- Officers, Duties and Powers

  1. Following the annual meeting, the Board, and regular members in good standing, provided there be a quorum of the Board, shall meet for the purpose of electing officers and appointing committees for the ensuing year. The President of the Board for the year concluded shall conduct this meeting until such time that a new president has been duly elected. 

  1. The board officers of NYB shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and League Player Agent, all of whom shall hold office for the ensuing year or until their successors are duly elected.  

  1. The Board of Directors may appoint such other officers or agents as it may deem necessary or desirable and may prescribe the powers and duties of each and may fill any vacancy which may occur in any office.  

  1. Executive Board

  1. President - Shall be Chairman of the Board, preside at League meetings, countersign with treasurer on any transaction over $1000.00, have power to veto all decisions, and all other duties as approved by the board. The Board shall have the authority to override any such veto by the President by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote at a properly scheduled meeting. The President receives mail and other communications from Babe Ruth Headquarters and assures that the league personnel are properly informed on all phases of rules, regulations, and policies of Babe Ruth. The league president is the contact person between NYB and Babe Ruth Headquarters. May act in accordance with Article III Section 4c when deemed necessary and may authorize spending amounts up to and including $500 without Board of Directors approval.

  1. Vice President - presides in the absence of the President, organizes and coordinates the coach approval process, works with other officers and committee members, are official members of all committees, and carry out such duties and assignments as may be delegated by the President.  

  1. Secretary - Records the minutes of all meetings and shall have them reproduced in sufficient copies to provide each Board member at the next meeting. The Secretary is also responsible for notifying members of regular and special meetings and maintaining an official record of the league's activities. Additionally, the Secretary should maintain records of all meeting attendance and maintain a list of active approved Board of Directors members and their ability to vote.

  1. Treasurer – Shall sign checks, dispenses league funds as approved by the Board of Directors, reports on the status of league funds, keeps local league books and financial records, prepares budget, and assumes the responsibility for all local league finance. The Treasurer should also be responsible for filing IRS Form 990 and various other corporate filings and returns.

  1. League Player Agent – Shall be the board member tasked with being the player representative on the Board of Directors. This position is also responsible for being the conduit between Divisional Player Agents and the Executive Board. When matters arrive throughout the season that require conflict resolution between any combination of coach, player, or parent, then the League Player Agent will be the primary contact person for league members. When an issue cannot be resolved at the Divisional Player Agent or League Player Agent level, then the issue shall be presented to the Board of Directors and/or Executive Board for assistance in resolving the issue. The League Player Agent is also responsible for writing the League Game Schedule with the assistance of the Division Player Agents.

  1. Other Board Positions (Non-Executive Board)

  1. Deputy Treasurer – This position will serve as the assistant to the Treasurer and provide additional resources for treasurer duties and provide “Checks and Balances” during the execution of the fiscal year. The Deputy Treasurer shall cosign all reports provided to the Board of Directors, validating that the reports are accurate to the best of his or her knowledge.

  1. League Coach Agent – Shall be the board member tasked with being the coach representative on the Board of Directors. This position is also responsible for being the conduit between the League Coaches and the Executive Board. When matters arrive throughout the season that require conflict resolution between coaches, then the League Coach Agent will be the primary contact person for league members. In addition to assisting with conflict resolution, the League Coach Agent shall plan, schedule, and facilitate League tryouts and preseason coaching clinics. The League Coaching Agent should maintain themselves aware of all Babe Ruth rule changes, and the latest methods of coaching the game of Baseball.

  1. Division Player Agents (5) (Babe Ruth Baseball, Cal Ripken Majors, Cal Ripken Minors, Cal Ripken Rookie, Cal Ripken TBall) – This position is responsible for the leadership and organization of each division within the league. Duties include, managing the execution of the game schedule within the division; assisting the League Player Agent with writing the division game schedule; ensuring that any special division level rules are followed by the division head coaches; receiving requests for conflict resolution within a division from parents, coaches, or players; resolving the requests for conflict resolution at the divisional level whenever possible, or reporting the need for further resolution to the League Player Agent for additional support.

  1. League Equipment Coordinator – This position ensures the safety and quality of league equipment and advises the Board of Directors on financial needs required to make necessary improvements to the equipment. This includes any equipment used for the execution of playing the game by the players. Examples include helmets, bats, baseballs, etc. This position also supervises all ordering of regular season uniforms and works alongside the League All Star Coordinator to ensure All Star uniforms are ordered.

  1. League Facilities Coordinator – This position ensures the safety and quality of the facility and fields and advises the Board of Directors on financial needs required to make necessary improvements to the facility or the fields. This includes any purchases used for the execution of playing the game as it pertains to the facility or field. Examples include, chalk, grass seed, turface, portable toilets, etc.

  1. League Fundraising Coordinator – This position ensures successful efforts for the league to fundraise each year. This position is the league point of contact for the calendar fundraiser, including obtaining prizes, developing the calendar, copying, distributing, and collecting proceeds from the calendar raffle. This position will provide the League Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer with all monies collected for deposit in the league bank account. This person is also responsible for being the league point of contact for all fundraisers developed at any point by teams associated with NYB. 

  1. League All Star Coordinator – This position ensures successful execution of the League All Star Programs. Duties include, coordinating selection of All Star Head Coaches by the Board of Directors, ensuring uniform fittings are completed, working alongside the League Equipment Coordinator to ensure All Star uniforms are ordered, and working with the League Player Agent and League Coach Agent to resolve any conflicts that arise during All Star Season with parents, coaches, or players. In addition, this position ensures that All-Star Parents, Players, and Coaches sign the All-Star Code of Conduct and have paid the registration fee for All Stars prior to the start of the District Tournament. If NYB hosts a tournament, this position will serve as the League Tournament Director in the absence of the President or a Vice President.

  1. League Fall Ball Coordinator - This position ensures successful execution of the League Fall Ball Program. Duties include, coordinating selection of Fall Ball Head Coaches by the Board of Directors, ensuring uniform fittings are completed, working alongside the League Equipment Coordinator to ensure Fall Ball uniforms are ordered, and working with the League Player Agent and League Coach Agent to resolve any conflicts that arise during Fall Ball Season with parents, coaches, or players. In addition, this position ensures that all Fall Ball Parents, Players, and Coaches sign the Fall Ball Code of Conduct and have paid the registration fee for Fall Ball prior to the start of the Fall Ball Season.


  1. Communications Director – This position maintains the following League Communication tools, Facebook Page, League Website, Text Alert programs, etc. This position works directly with the League President to facilitate necessary communications about league events, including sign ups, tryouts, games, etc.

  1. League Babe Ruth Coordinator - This position ensures successful execution of the League Babe Ruth Program. Duties include, coordinating recruitment and selection of Babe Ruth Head Coaches by the Board of Directors, ensuring uniform fittings are completed, working alongside the League Equipment Coordinator to ensure Babe Ruth uniforms and equipment are ordered, and working with the League Player Agent and League Coach Agent to resolve any conflicts that arise during Babe Ruth Season with parents, coaches, or players. In addition, this position ensures that all Babe Ruth Parents, Players, and Coaches sign the Babe Ruth Code of Conduct and have paid the registration fee for Babe Ruth prior to the start of the Babe Ruth Season.

  1. No board member shall make expenditures on behalf of NYB without prior board approval or by direction of the President of the Board of Directors when appropriate and is less than $100.

Article VII - Head Coaches, Coaches and Umpires

League Coaches

  1. Any persons interested in being a League Coach is required to indicate their desire to be head coach at the beginning of the year on the NYB registration form, complete an official Babe Ruth coaching certification, complete a background check every two years, and complete Sexual Abuse Prevention training provided by the league through the Babe Ruth Headquarters.  

  1. The board will meet prior to the beginning of the year to approve the pool of League Head Coaches. All League Head Coaches shall be approved by 2/3 majority vote of the quorum present at the board meeting.  All decisions regarding League Head Coaches will be made regardless of race, ethnicity, color, sex, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation and/or disability.  

  1. If, during the season or All-Star season, a coaching vacancy occurs, or any Board member has concerns and believes it appropriate to have a League Coach removed during the season, he or she must obtain a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board present at a properly scheduled board meeting to effectuate such a removal. The motion must be seconded and if seconded, then discussed. 

  1. Before any vote is taken concerning the removal of a League Coach, the League Coach must be notified and given the chance to appear before the Board of Directors. 

  2. The notification, setting forth the basis for the request, must be given at least forty-eight hours prior to any board meeting, and the League Coach must be given a twenty-four (24) hour window to determine the meeting time that is best for him or her.  

  3. The League Coach is allowed to bring any persons, associated with NYB, to the meeting to support his or her position. 

  4. The League Coach will also be permitted no more than one hour to defend against the allegations contained in the notification, and may present, during that time frame, any evidence and/or witnesses he or she may wish to present that are appropriate to respond to the stated reasons for removal. 

  5. After the League Coach and all Non-Board members leave the room, the board shall discuss the matter. If any new reasons for removal are identified the League Coach and the people with him or her must be allowed to respond before a vote is taken. At the end of all board discussion a vote is taken (2/3 majority) and the League Coach is notified immediately by the President of the league. 

  6. If the President is unable to notify the League Coach within 24 hours, a registered letter is to be sent the second day, with return receipt requested, to the League Coach’s address listed on the official Babe Ruth or Cal Ripken roster, and, if not so stated, to the League Coach’s address listed on the registration form filled out by the League Coach.  

  7. If a League Coach is needed, after the approval meeting, the Board of Directors shall, at their discretion, interview individuals wishing to fill the vacancy at a designated board meeting. A 2/3 majority of board vote by the Board of Directors shall determine the new League Coach.

League Assistant Coaches:

  1. Each League Head Coach in each league shall provide the board with the names of the persons who shall be that team’s League Assistant Coaches for that season. 

  2. In case of a League Head Coach leaving during the season, the assistant coach will act as Head Coach until a new one is approved by the Board. If a team is without a Head Coach or coach, the board shall appoint someone to manage the team until a head coach is approved.  


  1. Umpires, or a company employing ‘patched’ umpires, shall be approved by the board prior to commencing play each season.  Only pre-approved umpire associations may be used.

  1. Umpires of this nature will only be used for Major League games and, at the board’s discretion for the Minor League playoffs, if applicable.  The only exceptions will be in the case of an emergency at the Major league level, the umpire must be approved by both participating Head Coaches.  For the purposes of this item, an emergency is described as 10 minutes past game time and the predetermined umpire has not shown up to officiate over the game.  The jointly selected umpires may officiate the game in an emergency until the predetermined umpire becomes available. 

  1. Umpires shall be responsible for their conduct on the field. 

  1. Junior Umpires will be used for regular season games in the Minor League.  To become a Junior Umpire, individuals must be aged out of the Cal Ripken program (League age 13 or older) and must complete the Babe Ruth Umpiring Certification to become a patched umpire.

a. Junior Umpires who wish to receive compensation for their umpiring duties, shall be paid an amount predetermined by the Board of Directors prior to the start of the season per each game umpired. . The League Treasurer shall ensure that payments are made to Junior Umpires in a timely manner.

  1. If an issue arises with a particular umpire regarding their conduct, whether immediately before, during or after the game and the board notified by any class of NYB Member, the umpire shall be discussed at the next board meeting.  If the board decides that it is in the best interest of the NYB to not have the umpire in question officiate any more games, the NYB President, or their designee shall immediately inform the umpire company or NYB member that served as umpire that they are no longer permitted to umpire NYB games.  If contact cannot be made immediately then NYB shall inform the party in question in writing.

Article VIII - Tryouts and Selection of Players

  1. The League Player Agent and League Coach Agent along with Division Player Agents for Major and Minor leagues  shall conduct the tryouts and coordinate with League Head Coaches, the selection of players for all teams in NYB. 


  1. Each candidate shall furnish to the league a birth certificate or ID card prior to tryouts, preferably during registration. All other certificates listed with the Babe Ruth Headquarters are acceptable.  Returning players do not have to show their birth certificates or ID's.  

  1. Major League Draft: 

  1. Each team shall have a designated head coach and one assistant coach declared prior to tryouts.

  2. All players, including those of the designated coaches, shall participate in a tryout.

  3. The Major League Draft shall be attended by the League President, League Vice President, and only the designated head and assistant coaches for the teams.

  4. No players or additional coaches are permitted at the draft.

  5. Prior to beginning the draft, the attendees will agree upon the projected draft round of the children of the designated head coach and assistant coach of each team. In the case where the head or assistant coach has more than one child eligible, additional children will also be designated with a projected draft round.

  6. The draft order will be predetermined by the previous season team playoff finish in reverse order. For example, the first team eliminated from the playoffs will receive the first pick in each round of the next year’s draft. The previous season’s playoff champion receives the final pick in each round of the draft. The draft IS NOT a snake draft.

  7. Teams will draft to no less than 11 players and no more than 13 players per team. The draft attendees can determine after drafting 11 players if additional drafting should occur or if the remainder of the player pool shall be included in the Minor League Draft player pool. Unless otherwise requested, all 12-year-old players SHALL be drafted to a Major League team.

  8. Each draft begins a new process, there are no “locks” from previous seasons and there are no “sponsor” player locks. 

  1. League Registration shall be conducted through the online registration process. In person registrations may still be facilitated using the registration form.

  1. The tryouts shall be arranged in two major groups; Majors League Tryouts and Minor League Tryouts.

  1. Any player that cannot attend tryouts shall be evaluated prior to the draft to appropriately rank this player for drafting purposes.

  1. In the event the Major League or Minor League reduces the number of teams, the team that will be eliminated shall be determined by the Board after consultation with the head coaches. 

  1. If a player is drafted to the Major League, that child must play for the team that drafted the player. If a child chooses not to play for that team, they may not play for NYB. In special circumstances, the league, coach, and parent may recognize that the player may not be ready for the Majors. If this is the case, the league, coach, and parent can mutually agree to have that player go back to the Minors.  

  1. Minor League Draft: 

  1. Each team shall have a designated head coach and one assistant coach declared prior to tryouts.

  2. All players, including those of the designated coaches, shall participate in a tryout.

  3. The Minor League Draft shall be attended by the League President, League Vice President, and only the designated head and assistant coaches for the teams.

  4. No players or additional coaches are permitted at the draft.

  5. Prior to beginning the draft, the attendees will agree upon the projected draft round of the children of the designated head coach and assistant coach of each team. In the case where the head or assistant coach has more than one child eligible, additional children will also be designated with a projected draft round.

  6. The draft order will be predetermined by the previous season team playoff finish in reverse order. For example, the first team eliminated from the playoffs will receive the first pick in each round of the next year’s draft. The previous season’s playoff champion receives the final pick in each round of the draft. The draft IS NOT a snake draft.

  7. Teams will draft to no less than 11 players and no more than 13 players per team. The draft attendees can determine after drafting 11 players if additional drafting should occur or if the remainder of the player pool shall be included in the Rookie League player pool. Unless otherwise requested, all 10-year-old players SHALL be drafted to a Major or Minor League team.

  8. Each draft begins a new process, there are no “locks” from previous seasons and there are no “sponsor” player locks. 

Article IX - Scheduling & Conducting Games

  1. The schedule of games each year shall be prepared by the League Vice President(s) and approved by members of the Board of Directors and all games shall be played on an official league field, as authorized by the Board of Directors.


  1. Permission to change the playing schedule must be agreed upon by both head coaches affected by the modification and must also be approved by the League President and Vice President. If the coaches are unable to reach an agreement, the NYB President and Vice President will make such a decision.  Notice of any requested modifications to the regular season schedule must be provided to the President and Vice President, as well as the affected head coach(s) at least one (1) week prior to any suggested changes, unless extenuating circumstances arise which make such notice impracticable. The President shall determine whether exigent circumstances have been provided in the event of a lack of proper notice to the appropriate league officials.  

  1. If a death occurs within the immediate family of a player in the league, any games scheduled for this team before, or on the day of the funeral, shall be rescheduled. It will be the responsibility of the Head Coach of said player to notify the League President.

Article X - Financial Policy

  1. The Board of Directors shall decide all matters pertaining to the finances of the Corporations. All income of the Corporation shall be in a common league treasury, with the exception of capital cost accounts (i.e. lighting fund account) and expenditures of same shall be made in such a manner as will give not individual or team a playing or equipment advantage over the other. Failure to report all sponsorship and fundraising activities will result in disciplinary action. 

  1. The Board of Directors shall not permit the contribution of funds to individuals or teams without prior approval of Board. The above provision is to discourage favoritism among teams and to endeavor to equalize the benefits of all NYB Leagues.  

  1. An annual audit of NYB’s financial condition shall be made by a CPA to be selected by the Board of Directors as of the end of the fiscal year of the Corporation. The fiscal year shall end on September 30.  

Article XI – Rules

  1. "The Official Playing Rules and Regulations," as published by Babe Ruth League.

  1. Each league may adopt guidelines prior to the start of the regular season that are reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors.

Article XII –All-Stars Teams and Player Selection

  1. To be considered eligible, a youth must meet eligibility requirements and must have been on a team roster for at least half of the season and should be both deserving and capable of representing the league in All-Star competition according to ability, sportsmanship, character, attitude, courage, and loyalty according to the coaches of that division.

  1. To be considered eligible for 12U All Stars. players must have played their 11U Cal Ripken eligible season as part of Noble Youth Baseball. The only exception to this is when a player has no control over where they played their 11U Cal Ripken eligible season. For example, if a player’s family relocates to the area from another area. This rule is being put in place to prevent Noble Youth Little League or other nearby Little League program players who have aged out of Little League but are still eligible for Cal Ripken to join NYB so they can play an additional year of baseball in a youth program and potentially displacing a consistent NYB all star from a team. 

  1. At a predetermined Board Meeting, the board of directors shall evaluate the remaining players in the league in concert with the current financial condition of the league and determine by a majority vote how many All-Star teams NYB will field in the upcoming year.  At a minimum the league will have two All-Star teams.

  1. Players that are league age 8 or under will not be permitted to play on the 10U team without board approval.  They will only be eligible to play on the 9U All Star team if one is put together. It is the board’s opinion that players should play with their age unless their athletic ability is far superior to their peers.   This rule does not apply to tournament teams.

  1. For the same reason as presented in item #3 above, players that are league age 10 or under will not be permitted to play on the 12U team without board approval.  This rule does not apply to tournament teams.

  1. For the same reason as presented in item #3 above, players that are league age 9 or under will not be permitted to play on the 11U team without board approval. This rule does not apply to tournament teams.

  1. For the same reason as presented in item #3 above, players that are league age 6 or under will not be permitted to play on the 8U team without board approval. This rule does not apply to tournament teams.

  1. For the same reason as presented in item #3 above, players that are league age 7 or under will not be permitted to play on the 9U team without board approval. This rule does not apply to tournament teams.


  1. All NYB 8U, 9U, 10U, 11U, and 12U All-Star players for All Star teams will be selected by the coaches of their respective All Star teams. The coaches are encouraged to seek input from the Major and Minor League coaches when selecting the players. The selected head coach may, if he/she chooses, elect to have a tryout to select his/her team. If the head coach elects to do so, the league will assist the head coach in the facilitation of the tryout.

  1. The 8U, 9U, 10U, 11U, and 12U All-Star Head Coaches will be selected by a majority board vote not later than April 30th of each year.  The selected Head Coaches shall select up to 3 other assistant coaches from the pool of eligible NYB coaches.  All coaches at the All-Star level must have at least been an assistant coach during the NYB regular season to be deemed eligible to participate with the All-Star team.  It is important to note that only one head coach and three registered assistant coaches are permitted for each All-Star team. 

  1. In agreeing to coach an All-Star team, all Head Coach also agrees to be available for all District, State, Regional, and National Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken games that the team participates in.  Furthermore, the selected Head Coach understands that if the All-Star team does not advance beyond the district level, the team will play in a series of previously scheduled tournament games in the local area.

  1. Players will be notified by the Head Coach within 2 days of being selected.  The Head Coach will make every effort to notify all players on the same day, if feasible.  

  1. Once all the players are notified and have agreed to participate, the Head Coach will work with the league to make public the names of the selected players.  At a minimum, the names of the players will be posted on the League Social Media platform and League Website.

Article XIII – Miscellaneous

  1. These By-laws must be amended, repealed or altered in whole or in part by a majority vote at any duly organized meeting of the Board of Directors.


Noble Youth Baseball League

25 Sweetser Street, PO Box 55
Berwick, Maine 03901

Email: [email protected]

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