Mad Dogs Lacrosse was formed to promote the sport of lacrosse and elevate the level of play within the Middle Country community by providing the children and families of the Middle Country community the opportunity to learn the game of lacrosse in a safe environment for all players, of all abilities, to develop skills and game knowledge.
We emphasize sportsmanship, teamwork, fair play and respect for all and will work with the children and families, regardless of ability, in a sports setting, to foster and promote understanding in the fundamentals and the fine points of lacrosse. In addition, we promote and participate in community services that further support associated community programs and/or organizations to cultivate and encourage sports, sportsmanship, and athletics as a means of building physical health, personal character, and community spirit.
As a non-profit organization, all proceeds are used and will continue to be used for the mission of supporting the sport of lacrosse for the Middle Country community. Also, we are a parent-volunteer operated organization, all time and effort is DONATED by parents and/or community members to benefit our players. We need and encourage our families to get involved and play an active role in this organization.
Our program is open to boys K-6th grade residing in the Middle Country School District.
Without proper fundamentals, a program has no foundation to grow. Our coaches emphasize fundamentals and work to develop the skills of young players. In addition, our close connection with US Lacrosse gives us access to the latest coaching techniques and theory.
- Lacrosse Skills: We practice and emphasize the skills required to play the game at an enjoyable level. These skills are:
- Catching and throwing
- Picking up ground balls
- Shooting
- Defensive technique and positioning
- Team communication
- Field awareness
- Mental Preparedness: It’s never too soon to teach young athletes the value of mental preparation. From immediate skills such as knowing what they are doing when the run on the field, to large picture issues that involve their success in the sport, Mad Dogs works on the mental as well as physical development of the players lacrosse experience.
Fundamental skills are the proverbial "tree falling in the forest" if they are not developed in context of a team. If a team has individuals of varying degrees of commitment levels, the result can be frustrating for all.
- Trust: In any youth sport, teams will exist with players who have varying degree of skill levels.
- Motivation: Encouraging the development of teammates can have more of a positive influence coming from peer than coming from a coach.
- Support: A team environment will have its share of ups and downs.
Respect is a critical piece of Mad Dogs Lacrosse’s mission, teaching it and exhibiting it throughout everything we do. Straying off this path will get corrected promptly.
- Teammates: Respecting teammates that may be at different skill levels is key for a team to have a successful and enjoyable season.
- Coaches: Most youth lacrosse coaches are volunteers whose love of the game is so deep they couldn't get away. Without coaches, we really have no program
- Opponents: Respecting you opponents, as you would expect them to respect you. There is no taunting allowed, and the post-game handshake is as critical to the game as the game itself
- Officials: These are men and women who love the game so much, they choose to officiate. The only interaction with referees are from the head coach.
- Facility: We clean up after every practice and game, and thank our hosts for their hospitality.
- Game: Lacrosse is a cherished part of North American history. It is an honor for us to be involved in that legacy. US Lacrosse's "Honor the Game" pledge is required reading for players, coaches and parents alike.