Chartiers Houston Youth Baseball Association (CHYBA)
Sportsmanship Code of Conduct
Youth sports programs play an important role in promoting the physical, social and emotional development of our students. It is therefore essential for parents, coaches and spectators to encourage our athletes to embrace the values of good sportsmanship. Adults, parents and spectators involved in CHYBA events should be models of good Sportsmanship and should lead by example by demonstrating fairness, respect and self-control towards coaches, officials, players, visiting spectators and each other.
The Chartiers Houston Youth Baseball Association EXPECTS all of its board members, coaches, players and spectators to represent the organization and community in good faith by following and maintaining proper behavior and etiquette in all phases of our organization. **As board members, spectators, parents, coaches and players we are responsible while playing or attending games to conform behavior to the following Code of Conduct:
This season, as a player, coach, parent, or spectator, I pledge to COMPETE with Class and Honor:
· I will abide by the rules of the game.
· I will offer encouragement, not criticism, to players and coaches.
· I will accept judgment calls from the official. I will show respect for the efforts of both teams.
· I will accept the outcome of the contest, either winning or losing, properly and respectfully.
· I will acknowledge that all members of the team-parents, coaches, and players share equally in the responsibility to promote good sportsmanship.
· As a member of an athletic activity in the Chartiers Houston Youth Baseball Association, I am fully aware that participation in the athletic programs is a privilege and a responsibility NOT a right. Athletes earn recognition for their achievements as representatives of their team and community. When athletes accept this privilege, they must live up to the Code of Conduct.
· Participants in activities associated with CHYBA are expected to refrain from using or having possession of alcohol or any other illegal drugs.
· Participants in activities are expected to refrain from using or having possession of tobacco in any form during practice or at events
· Participants are prohibited from organizing, soliciting, aiding, or participating in any type of hazing for any class, school-sponsored club, activity, or athletic team. Hazing is any intentional, knowing, or reckless act directed against a student for the purpose of being initiated into, affiliation with, holding office, or maintaining membership in any class, school-sponsored club, activity or athletic team.
· Bullying of any kind is prohibited
· Participants are expected to follow all team rules, regulations, and guidelines established by the coaching staff and organization. Participants are expected to Honor the Game by respecting the rules, opponents, officials, teammates, and self.
· Maintain enthusiasm and composure, serving as a role model. Participate positively in the event or contest by supporting the coaches and the participants. Exercise good judgment in cheering for outstanding performance, not against opponents or to ridicule an error. It is acceptable to applaud an outstanding performance from an opponent and to applaud ALL participants after a contest.
· Be a role model by positively supporting teams in every manner possible, including content of cheers and signs.
· Show respect and concern for an injured player, regardless of team.
· Respect decisions made by the contest officials.
· Respect fans, coaches, participants and officials.
· Encourage surrounding fans to display only sportsmanship conduct.
· Resist being drawn into negative conduct by other fans, including opposing fans.
Coaches Expectations
· Coaches are expected to be role models for players regarding good sportsmanship, teamwork, and self-worth.
· Coaches will handle winning with class and losing with grace.
· Coaches will prioritize an environment of learning and growth with the players.
· Coaches will clearly communicate schedules and games in a timely manner
· Coaches will promote an environment where they remain approachable for any issues that arise during the season and will be the first point of contact for parents.
Unacceptable Behavior
The following have been defined as negative and unacceptable by the Chartiers Houston Youth Baseball Association:
· Disrespectful or derogatory yells, chants, songs, or gestures.
· Booing or heckling an official's decision, criticizing officials in any way, displays temper with an official's call.
· Yells that antagonize opponents.
· Blaming loss of the game on officials, coaches or participants.
· Yelling at or criticizing coaches or participants from either team.
· Attempting to coach from the bleachers or sidelines, giving specific instructions to any participant.
· Destruction of property, signs or equipment. Running onto the field of play before, during or after a contest.
· Engaging an opposing fan in a dispute or argument.
· Use of profane, vulgar or abusive language.
Handling of Disputes
All disputes that arise will be handled through the proper chain of command. Within the team, the head coach should be contacted immediately about any inquiries or disputes. If an acceptable resolution is not obtained, the board will be contacted next.
It is understood that acceptable resolution does not mean accommodation of a player, parent, or coach. It is expected that civil conversations will take place to discuss an issue and an understanding can be reached between parties.
· ****A head coach of any team within the league will have the ability to discipline players within reason at practice or a contest. *****
This includes but is not limited to removal from a game or practice, At such a time, the parent (if the offender is a child,) will be contacted immediately.
There will be absolutely NO physical discipline or altercation permitted.
If the recommendation by the head coach is to suspend a parent or coach, the same Suspension/Appeal process will go into effect.
All rules pertaining to players leaving a game in regard to Greater Route 50 will be followed. Ex: automatic outs for removed players
· Any athlete or coach that is ejected from a game will be subject to a ONE game suspension
· If the ejection of the athlete or coach is due to confronting, contacting, or addressing a coach, contestant, or official using foul or vulgar language, ethnic or racially insensitive comments or physical contact will be subject to a minimum TWO game suspension.
· Upon a second Ejection in the same year the athlete or coach will have a THREE game suspension
· Any parent, guardian or fan that is ejected from an event whether it may be HOME or AWAY shall be subject to a FIVE game suspension on the first offense. Upon the second ejection the parent, guardian or fan will be banned from events for the remainder of the season and must meet with district administration prior to attending additional events.
Suspension/Appeal Process
Any involved individual who has violated the above code of conduct in which a suspension is warranted will be given an opportunity to explain the events in question prior to final ruling of suspension/banning from future sporting events. At that time, each party involved, including but not limited to, coaches, umpires, spectators/parents, will be given an opportunity to explain the events in question.
This code of conduct is not all inclusive. Any offense or perceived offense that violates the code of conduct will be handled in a manner consistent with this document.
I have read and am aware of the rules and regulations that govern the conduct of the athlete who is a participant in any event representing CHYBA.
I agree to abide by and support the Code of Conduct, the rules established by the coach or sponsor of this sport/activity, If I choose to disobey, I understand the consequences and agree to accept them.
NOTE: It is expected that each coach/sponsor shall meet with participants prior to the start of the activity or sport and at this time fully explain the Code of Conduct. All participants/parents, and coaches will be expected to sign this prior to each season's sport and or activity.