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T-Ball/Baseball Division Info

Minors Baseball Divisions:  For Minors divisions, we do our best to group kids by school and/or specific buddy requests (indicated in the registration form).   Practices are generally 1x/week for 90 minutes followed by Saturday games.  We won't have schedule details for practices until teams are formed. 

T-Ball (co-ed) - Ages 5-6  
At this level of play, the focus is exclusively on learning the very basic fundamental of the game and having tons of fun, so the kids will come back next year. Coaches place balls on the tee for hitting. Emphasis is on basic skills, teamwork, and fun. Teams are formed by neighborhood where possible and may vary depending on enrollment for a given neighborhood. Expect one practice and one game each week.  
Our T-Ball program is co-ed. Girls have another option to play on the all girls “A” level/T-ball softball program. 


"A" Baseball - Age 7
“A” baseball is the first level of our instructional Minors baseball programs – it’s for players who have at least one year of T-ball experience. “A” Ball is geared toward teaching sound baseball fundamentals such as proper throwing, fielding and batting techniques. The “A” program is your child’s first opportunity to hit a pitched baseball (an adult pitcher will pitch to your child). Your child will play in all of the defensive innings and will bat in all innings of a regular game.

“AA” Baseball - Age 8
“AA” RapidBaseball™ was new for the 2024 season and is the second level of our instructional Minors baseball programs – it’s for players who have at least one year of “A” Baseball experience, however previous playing experience is NOT required.  “AA” will feature RapidBaseball™ Level 2 format of gameplay! RapidBaseball utilizes a pitching machine with a set of rules to promote a faster pace of play, with an emphasis on player development and fun! RapidBaseball games feature the following:

  • Time Based Innings: Innings are ~20 minutes in length. Each team bats for 10-minutes.
  • 3 Outs: Bases are cleared when 3 outs are recorded. Teams continue to bat until time runs outs.
  • 5 Pitches: Each player will receive 5 pitches max.
  • Pitching Development: With the guidance of a coach, 2 players will pitch in the RapidBullpen while their team is on defense.
  • More information can be found at

We will attempt to place players on teams grouped roughly by neighborhood elementary schools. If you would like to request a “buddy” for your player to be assigned on a team with, please coordinate with the other family and both include the buddy request with special instructions while registering as we can only guarantee mutual buddy requests.

  • TEAMS: “AA” teams are made up of 10 to 13 players.
  • AGE: Team are comprised of athletes age 8 by August 31, 2024 (generally 2nd grade). Our 2024 Baseball Age Chart doc provides specifics.
  • PLAY-UPs and PLAY-DOWNs: 8-yr olds may play-down (“A”) with written request. They also may play-up (“AAA”) if they attend the 9-yr old skill evaluations and score in top 25% in the skills assessment and demonstrate an ability to pitch. SLL’s baseball Level of Play policy provides specifics (see policy HERE).
  • PRACTICES: Teams typically practice two afternoon each week for about 90 minutes. Weekly practices start in early March.
  • GAMES: Teams will play 8 games on Saturdays during the season. Games are 4-6 innings and typically last 1 ½ to 2 hours. Games are played from early April through the middle of June.
  • VOLUNTEERS: Parent participation is necessary on many levels from Coaching, Field Preparation, Team parent, etc. Please indicate your interests when registering your child.

Majors Baseball Divisions: Buddy requests no longer granted in Majors Divisions in order to keep teams equitable. 

“AAA” Baseball - Age 9
“AAA” baseball is the first level of our Majors baseball programs. Players will expand on the skills taught at “AA”. This is the first year of “kid-pitch” (they’re always excited for this change). Players should be able to throw from third-base to first-base in the air and agile enough to avoid being hit by a pitch. They should be able to properly catch a ball. There is a tournament at the end of the year.

Coast Baseball - Age 10-11
Coast baseball is the second level of our Majors baseball programs. Players should have past success at the “AAA” level and be ready to start hitting pitching of different speeds. Must understand the defensive end of the game and hit successfully at this level. League standings may be maintained and there is a championship tournament at the end of the year.

Majors Baseball - Ages 11-12 *All 12yr old's must register for Majors
Majors baseball is the third level of our Majors baseball Division (Yes, this is confusing – we will be making changes to our program names and groups next year). All Little League eligible 12-year-olds will play in Majors. For those 11-year-olds wishing to play in Majors, they will be selected based on Skills Evaluation.  This is necessary so that balanced teams can be created and your child can experience a balanced, enjoyable, competitive environment. Those players not assigned to a Majors team are automatically entered into the Coast level.  Players must be ready to hit a variety of pitching. Defensive awareness includes where to make the play and how to run the bases. League standings are maintained and there is a tournament at the end of the year.

Teen Baseball (Ages 13-16)

Intermediate 50/70 Baseball - Age 13
The Intermediate 50/70 baseball division is a program for 13-year olds and is an introduction to big field baseball where players can add more skill and strategy to their game. The base path distance increases to 70 feet and the pitching distance increases to 50 feet. Defensive awareness along with knowing where to make the play and how to run the bases becomes a more critical part of the game. Base stealing, sliding, and lead offs are allowed starting at this level. 2-5/8″ diameter big barrel bats are used and 2-1/4”diameter bats may still be utilized if approved for use in Majors and lower division play with the exception of 100% composite bats which must be BBCOR certified. It is our understanding that existing BESR rated bats are still approved for use during the 2014 season. Metal or molded rubber cleats depending upon fields utilized.

Juniors Baseball - Age 14
The Junior League baseball division is a program for 14-year olds and is an introduction to the conventional 90-foot diamond with 90 feet base paths and a pitching distance of 60 feet, 6 inches. Bat size is a maximum of 2-5/8″ diameter although 2-1/4”diameter bats may still be utilized if approved for use in Majors and lower division play with the exception of 100% composite bats which must be BBCOR certified. It is our understanding that existing BESR rated bats are still approved for use during the 2014 season. Metal or molded rubber cleats depending upon fields utilized and no metal cleats on artificial pitching mounds.

Seniors Baseball - Ages 15-16 
The Senior baseball division is a program for ages 15-16, using a conventional 90-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 60 feet, 6 inches. Bats must be 2-5/8″ diameter and must meet BBCOR performance standards not weighing, numerically, more than three ounces less than the length of the bat (drop -3 only) (e.g. a 32 inch long bat must weigh 29 ounces). BESR rated bats are not be allowed. Metal or molded rubber cleats depending upon fields utilized.

Please register your child below based on age and skill level. For Majors Divisions, the league reserves the right to ask a child to play up/down (post evaluations) if we feel it's necessary. For questions on your child's little league age, please visit the age calculator

Click Here to Register 

Questions regarding registration can be sent to [email protected] 

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Sammamish Little League

3020 Issaquah-Pine Lake Road SE PMB #346 
Sammamish, Washington 98075

Email: [email protected]

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