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Softball Division Info

Minors Softball Divisions:  For Minors divisions, we do our best to group kids by school and/or specific buddy requests (indicated in the registration form).   Practices are generally 1x/week for 90 minutes followed by Saturday games.  We won't have schedule details for practices until teams are formed. 

A/T-Ball - Ages 5-6
At this level of play, the focus is exclusively on learning the very basic fundamental of the game and having tons of fun, so the kids will come back next year. Coaches place balls on the tee for hitting. Emphasis is on basic skills, teamwork, and fun. Teams are formed by neighborhood where possible and may vary depending on enrollment for a given neighborhood. Expect one practice and one game each week.  

“AA” Softball- Age 7-8

“AA” softball is the second level of our instructional Minors baseball programs – it’s for players who have at least one year of “A” Baseball experience. “AA” Ball features a more aggressive style of play and is designed to help your child make the transition from Minors (instructional) baseball to the more competitive Majors baseball. “AA” focuses on good baseball fundamentals. An adult pitcher will pitch to your child. There are strikes and strikeouts, and outs are recorded (three outs will retire the side). Your child will play in at least 3 of the 4 defensive innings (more defensive innings if more innings are played) but may not necessarily bat each innings since outs are recorded.

Majors Softball Divisions: Buddy requests no longer granted in Majors Divisions in order to keep teams equitable. 

“AAA” Softball- Age 9-10
“AAA” softball is the first level of our Majors baseball programs. Players will expand on the skills taught at “AA”. This is the first year of “kid-pitch” (they’re always excited for this change). Players should be able to throw from third-base to first-base in the air and agile enough to avoid being hit by a pitch. They should be able to properly catch a ball. There is a tournament at the end of the year.

Coast Softball- Age 10-11
Coast softball is the second level of our Majors baseball programs. Players should have past success at the “AAA” level and be ready to start hitting pitching of different speeds. Must understand the defensive end of the game and hit successfully at this level. League standings may be maintained and there is a championship tournament at the end of the year.

Majors Softball- Ages 11-12 *All 12yr old's must register for Majors
Majors softball is the third level of our Majors baseball Division. All Little League eligible 12-year-olds will play in Majors. For those 11-year-olds wishing to play in Majors, they will be selected based on Skills Evaluation.  This is necessary so that balanced teams can be created and your child can experience a balanced, enjoyable, competitive environment. Those players not assigned to a Majors team are automatically entered into the Coast level.  Players must be ready to hit a variety of pitching. Defensive awareness includes where to make the play and how to run the bases. League standings are maintained and there is a tournament at the end of the year.

Teen Baseball (Ages 13-15)

Juniors Softball- Age 13-15
Juniors softball is the most advanced level of softball we offer. Junior girls pitch from 43 feet, with a 12″ yellow optic softball. Players should have past success at the Majors level. Must understand the defensive end of the game and hit successfully at this level.

Please register your child below based on age and skill level. For Majors Divisions, the league reserves the right to ask a child to play up/down (post evaluations) if we feel it's necessary. For questions on your child's little league age, please visit the age calculator

Click Here to Register 

Questions regarding registration can be sent to [email protected] 

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Sammamish Little League

3020 Issaquah-Pine Lake Road SE PMB #346 
Sammamish, Washington 98075

Email: [email protected]

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