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Crown City Little League

Why Sponsor?


Other than the fact that your business logo or banner will be visible to thousands of patrons at our ball games and in our Facebook mentions, why should you become a Crown City Little League sponsor?

  3 fields

  100+ games
  250+ players
✔  Spring & Fall seasons
  100% run by volunteers
  100% for the children in the Cortland, McGraw, Marathon & Cincinnatus communities!

Sponsorship FAQ

Q:  What programs are available?
A:  See the Sponsorship Flyer here with more details on what opportunities are available.

Q:  How do I complete the sponsorship signup?
A:  Our online form is secure.  100% of your sponsorship goes to Crown City Little League and it's the easiest way to get started.

Q:  I'm old school.  Can I just mail you a check?
A:  Sure!  Be sure to print out & note which program you're choosing.  Make all checks out to Crown City Little League  
Here's our mailing address:

Crown City Little League
c/o Maria Adsit, Treasurer
182 Elm St.
Cortland, NY 13045-2322

Q:  I still have questions.  Is there someone I can speak with?
A:  Definitely!  Email [email protected] with any questions you may have.

Crown City Little League

Ted Testa Park, 1416 Starr Road
Cortland, New York 13045
Email : [email protected]
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