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Columbus PAAL

Columbus PAAL


The Columbus Police Athletics and Activities League (PAAL) was established in 1997 to provide a positive and meaningful relationship between elementary aged student athletes and local public safety professionals and volunteers through annual football, basketball and cheer sports programs. PAAL is a federal tax exempt 501 c (3) charitable organization. Overseen by a volunteer board comprised of Law Enforcement Officers, first responders and community members, the Columbus PAAL program is funded solely through monetary donations and sport program registration fees.  

Our goal is to enrich the lives of children. While we use athletics as the vessel for our program, the true measure of our success is not gauged by athletic ability. If fact, many children in our program possess different levels of physical ability and in some cases, no prior experience in team sports. We believe the success of the PAAL organization is measured by the development of responsible, respectful children who will become successful young adults. Through focus on teamwork, inclusion, compassion, honesty and determination, the children of PAAL are provided a safe environment to play sports while also improving life skills. Our mission: “Making Good Kids Great!”

PAAL Mission Statement

The mission of The Columbus Youth Police Activities League, Incorporated (a.k.a. PAAL) is to be solely a charitable and educational organization in order to develop, provide, and coordinate quality sports programs and activities that contribute to the development of character, integrity, physical and mental fitness, citizenship, sportsmanship and the personal well-being of the participants.  To accomplish this mission, PAAL shall encourage participation, regardless of abilities and economic standing, through a friendly and cooperative relationship among the youthful participants, family, coaches, officials, mentors, law enforcement officers and 1st responders.


Columbus PAAL
Columbus, Indiana 47203

Phone: 812-447-2373
Email: [email protected]

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