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Coeur d'Alene Jr Tackle Football


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What has Coeur d'Alene Junior Tackle done to help promote safety?
- Our two top priorities are sportsmanship and safety. In effort to promote the safest form of play possible, we have taken the following measures.
- All staff, coaches are USA Football Heads Up certified. To see more about Heads Up Football click here: Tackle & Flag Football Coach Certification | USA Football
- We recently upgrades all of our helmets to the industry leader, Schutt.
- We teach "Seahawk tackling" form. This means less hard collisions and more effective tackling.

QWho is eligible to play?
- Students entering 3rd-8th grade in Coeur d'Alene, Dalton Gardens, or Hayden areas.

Q: How much does it cost to play?
- $170.00 for grades 3-4  (6 games scheduled)
- $220.00 for grades 5-8  (8 games scheduled)
Q: How often will my team practice?
- 3rd/4th grade teams will only have team activities on Mon, Tues, and Wed. Once the games begin, practices are Mon and Tues. Games are Wed.
- 5th-8th grade teams will practice 4-5 times per week. (Usually Mon-Fri). Games will be played on Saturdays.
Q: What kind of equipment will I need that the league does not provide?
- Players will need to provide their own cleats, practice jerseys (can be an old shirt), and padded football pants.

Football pants must fully cover players knees.

(Optional additions include: gloves, colored socks, or wristbands.

Q: What are the requirements to coach a team?
- You do not need to have a child in the league in order to coach. If you have a passion for the game of football and complete the USA Football Heads Up Certification program, we will interview you as a prospective coach. If you are applying to be an assistant coach, the decision to bring you on their coaching staff will be left solely to the Head Coach. If a Head Coach for any reason does not need additional assistance or does not wish you add you to their staff, then you will not be permitted to assist in practices or games.
*Background checks will be performed on all new coaching applicants*

Q: Where can I learn about player safety and concussion prevention?
Concussion Recognition and Response | USA Football is a free sports concussion class.

Q: This is my first year as a player. What do I need to know?

- Please click on this link it will gi've you a good head start. 
Rules/Regulations (

Q: We had an accident on the field . What do we do?
- Notify the Head Coach
- Follow this link and fill out the form. Accident Form
Our insurance is secondary to yours, if you do not have insurance ours becomes the primary.

Q: When will games be held?
- Most games for grades 5-8 will be held on Saturday's.
- 3rd & 4th grade (Fitz league) games will be held on Wednesday's.

Q: How will it be determined which team I am placed on?
- We do not accommodate requests for players to join a specific roster to be with a friend or coach. Teams are typically assigned based on geographic regions. We split teams primarily by CHS and LCHS boundaries. These boundaries are then split into smaller sections in an attempt to create a team size of at least 25 players. This is all done on a first come first serve basis. If a player signs up after the regular registration deadline or roster imbalances are present, the geographic guidelines will not be followed. Team rosters will usually stay in tact from 5th-8th grade unless a player leaves or signs up late. If you sign up late or come into the league in the 6th, 7th, or 8th grade you will be placed on the team that the league selects, based on either team size or area.
*We do not allow the recruitment of players to a specific team roster at any grade level. 
*We do not promote All-Star rosters or align rosters based on talent level.
*The Cda Jr Tackle Board reserves the right to determine roster assignments in effort to maintain balance and competition in each division. 
*Once assigned to a roster in 5th-grade, a player will remain on that roster through the 8th-grade season unless the Cda Jr Tackle board deems it necessary to make a change. Relocating homes, schools, or request to play on the same team as friends does not qualify a player for a roster change. 

Q: Can we buy our own uniforms as a team?
- Yes But.....
- They MUST be league approved prior to purchase; and you must attend a board meeting to get full instructions.
- ALL jerseys must be ordered from our league vendor. No 3rd-party vendors may be used on your behalf.
- Jerseys are not allowed to have player names on them under any circumstances.
- Coaches, parents, or Team Reps are not allowed to solicit parents for money to purchase new jerseys. All funding must come from the coaching staff alone.
- We do not allow for teams to obtain business sponsors and put their logos on the jerseys.
- You must order a minimum amount of jerseys established by the CDA Jr Tackle Board.

Q: What color football pants can I wear to games?
3rd & 4th grade: White pants only.

-5th-8th grade: The head Coach will decide if the team wears Black or White pants. Please contact your team's Head Coach to confirm the team's pant color.

Q: When does my player need to have the physical form to the coach?
- Physicals are required ANNUALLY.
- All players must have a physical submitted by the first practice in order to participate.

Q: What accessories or self-provided equipment is allowed?
- We allow the following types of items: Sweatbands, gloves, socks, eye-black, chinstraps, helmets, shoulder pads, mouth guards.
- We DO NOT ALLOW the following types of items: helmet visors unless they are integrated in the helmet and clear, metal cleats, last names or patches on jerseys, stickers on helmets.  

Q: We want our team to get upgraded team apparel or accessories. What do we do?
- Teams and coaches are never permitted to solicit parents to provide extra money for upgraded apparel or accessories. If a parent or coach would like to personally pay for these and provide them to the team, that is acceptable only with prior CDA Jr Tackle Board approval. Any solicitation or attempt to obtain extra money from players or parents is a conduct violation and will be dealt with accordingly.        



Coeur d Alene Jr Tackle Football

P.O. Box 658 
Coeur d Alene, Idaho 83816

Email: [email protected]

Contact Us

Coeur d Alene Jr Tackle Football

P.O. Box 658 
Coeur d Alene, Idaho 83816

Email: [email protected]

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