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8U Games

Game 1 2 3 4 5

Date 09/10/16 09/11/16 09/17/16 09/18/16 09/24/16

Time 03:30 PM 03:30 PM 03:30 PM 03:30 PM 03:30 PM

Field V1 V1 V1 V1 V1

Away Team 2 4 2 3 2

Home Team 3 2 1 2 4

Field V2 V2 V2 V2 V2

Away Team 1 3 4 1 3

Home Team 4 1 3 4 1

Game 6 7 8 9 10
Team 1 Rossel

Date 09/25/16 10/01/16 10/02/16 10/08/16 10/09/16
Team 2 Francis

Time 03:30 PM 03:30 PM 03:30 PM 03:30 PM 03:30 PM
Team 3 Salzo

Field V1 V1 V1 V1 V1
Team 4 BYE

Away Team 4 1 4 2 3

Home Team 3 4 2 1 2

Field V2 V2 V2 V2 V2

Away Team 1 2 3 4 1

Home Team 2 3 1 3 4

Game 11 12 13 14 15

Date 10/15/16 10/16/16 10/22/16 10/23/16 10/29/16

Time 03:30 PM 03:30 PM 03:30 PM 03:30 PM 03:30 PM

Field V1 V1 V1 V1 V1

Away Team 2 1 1 3 2

Home Team 4 2 4 1 1

Field V2 V2 V2 V2 V2

Away Team 3 4 2 4 4

Home Team 1 3 3 2 3

Registration Listing

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There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

8U Rules

2016 8U Fall Ball Game Rules

Wallingford Little League / Yalesville Little League


1.      GAME TIME LIMIT: 2 hours

2.      Use softer balls. NO HARD BALLS. While some players may be capable of using a hardball, we need to remain focused on the safety of all the players. (Ball Suggested: RIF — 'Reduced Injury Factor' Baseball)

3.      All boys must wear a cup.

4.      All batting helmets require a face mask

5.      No 6 year old player can be pitched to be an opposing player. They MUST be pitched to by a coach. The league 6 year olds have been identified on your roster and a coach MUST pitch to them. NO EXCEPTIONS


In an effort to prepare players for the next level, 8U Fall Ball play will feature kid pitching. Kids at this age may have a hard time reaching the plate from the pitching rubber so kids are allowed to move up. Please do not move a pitcher up more than 5-6 feet in front of the pitcher's rubber to ensure the pitcher's safety. Please try to allow every player an opportunity to pitch at least once during the Fall Ball season, unless the player does not want to pitch.

There will be NO walks in 8U Fall Ball. A pitcher pitches to the batter. If the batter gets to ball 4, they do not advance to first base but rather a coach comes in to pitch to the hitter and takes over the count from before that pitch. For example, if the count is 3-1 and the pitcher throws a ball on the next pitch, the coach takes over a 3-1 count. The batter can either hit the ball or strikeout. They cannot walk, even with a coach pitching. The intention is to give kids an opportunity to pitch but we do not want to compromise the ability for balls to put into play so fielders have a chance to make plays.

PITCH COUNT RULES 50 Pitches Per Week

If a player reaches the limit for his /her age while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until one of the following occurs:

1.      A batter reaches base

2.      A batter is put out

Note: A pitcher who delivers Forty-one (41) or more pitches in a game cannot play the position of catcher for the remainder of that day.

Note: A player that plays the position of catcher for more than 3 innings may not pitch in that game.

Each Manager/Coach from each league is responsible for keeping track of their pitchers pitch counts PITCHING RULES

a. All Leagues Adhere To:

i.  If pitcher reaches the limit while facing a batter, then pitcher may continue to pitch until the batter's turn is completed (* See Pitch Count Rules above)

ii.If pitcher throws 41 pitches or more, then they cannot play the catcher position for the remainder of the game.

iii.                   If player pitches 36-50 pitches in a game, then two (2) calendar days of rest must be
observed (ex. Game on Saturday, can't pitch until Tuesday)

iv.                   If player pitches 21-35 pitches in a game, then one (1) calendar day of rest must be

observed        (ex. Game on Saturday, can't pitch until Monday)

v.If player pitches 1-20 pitches in a game, then no (0) calendar days of rest is required

b. If pitcher throws Ball 4, then an offensive coach will pitch to the batter until the batter strikes out or puts the ball in play

i.    The pitcher will stay on or near the mound to field in the pitcher position while the offensive coach pitches

ii.  The pitcher will resume pitching after the offensive coach completes one batter

c. The pitcher will be removed from the mound if the he hits 3 batters or at the discretion of the managers or coaches to provide a safe playing environment for all

i. Offensive Manager/Coach may complete inning if agreed upon by Manager/Coach of the defensive team


a. Pitch to their own players while trying to keep pitch speed constant, regardless of skill level

b. Pitch from the rubber or temporary rubber

c. Try not to make a play on the ball, unless it is unavoidable (hit right at you)


a.       There are strike outs (3 strikes, no more), both swinging and looking with player or coach pitching

b.      There are NO walks/base-on-balls

c.       Bunting is NOT allowed.

d.      If batter is hit-by-pitch, they can choose to be awarded 1st base or continue batting

e.       Half inning ends after 3 outs, once through the line-up or run maximum for that inning — whichever has been achieved first

i.      3 run maximum for innings 1 — 5

ii.     5 run maximum in 6'h inning (or decided upon fmal inning of the game) or 1 more run than your opponent's total. For example, top of the 6'h inning and the visiting team is down 6-0. The visiting team would be allowed to score up to 7 in the last inning.

i. It is at the discretion of the coaches to determine the last inning of the game

1.      This may happen if close to the 2 hour maximum game time limit

2.      Daylight is fading and safety is a concern

d. Coaches will practice a Rotational Batting Order: Uniform numerical order. #1 bats 1st in game 1, then bats last in game 2, etc.


a.       No "Infield Fly" Rule

b.      No stealing

c.       No leading from bases

d.      Players can advance one base on a wild throw

e.       In a hit to the outfield, all play is dead and no more advancement of runners once the ball is returned to the infield and is under control

i. Infield is defined as the perimeter dirt of the baseball diamond and the outfield grass

f.       Sliding is permitted

i.    Base runners should attempt to avoid or get around fielders as not to cause a collision or unsafe play

ii.  No sliding into 1" base FIELDERS - Encourage proper movement of infielders

a. Field 10 players (4 outfielders) per inning

b. No player should sit on the bench for more than 2 innings per game.

i.    A player will not sit for more than 1 inning unless all players on a team have sat for 1 inning

ii.  All players on a team should share sitting out during defensive innings equally

c. Coaches will rotate player positioning.

d. A 2 inning maximum will be implemented at any given position. Players will have an opportunity to play all  positions (unless deemed to be dangerous for the child to play that position).

e. Back-up pitcher on throw from catcher

f. After pitch crosses plate, cover bases with runners on them positioning for throw from catcher

g. Play infielders either on the grass or far enough off to prevent constant kicking of infield dirt on the grass


a.       Pitch counts are the most important thing to keep track of

b.      You can keep score as we are starting to introduce these players to what is to come. Ultimately, the score of the game is not very important. Let your players know, they are playing to have fun and improve, not playing to keep track of standings.


Coaches will umpire the 8U games. You should call balls and strikes for your team when they are hitting. Have a big strike zone. Let kids know, the strike zone should be a little above the letters, a little below the knees. The objective is to get the kids to hit the ball. We don't want them to develop bad habits by swinging over the heads or at their ankles but a big, wide strike zone will make the game move along, encourage kids to swing, and help produce more balls in play.


Game cancellations

Most times it is a game time decision. Chances are that you will have to go to the field to meet your team to cancel the game. If weather is really bad the Commissioner, Safety Officer, Player Agent or President will make the cancellation decisions.


Each coach needs to have scheduled practices on a regular basis emphasizing and conducting productive skills and drill workshops. This is what we are here for, to teach the game we love.

Managers and coaches responsibility

Maintain order on the bench, on the field during games and practices as well as with your spectators. Make sure a member of the player's family will be in attendance at all practices and games. If a parent is in attendance that will be responsible for someone else's child, that is at the discretion of the coaches.

No smoking while coaching. (Reg. XIV (e))

No profanity and/or abusive language while coaching.

Managers & coaches are responsible for their children's parents' behavior and needs to maintain order at all times. Should an issue arise with a parent; coaches will contact the 8U commissioner immediately.

Managers are responsible for children's physical safety and well being during games/practices

Field Maintenance

Both team is responsible for field preparation and should arrive early to get fields in playing condition. Field and dugouts should also be maintained at the completion of each game.

Keys to success:

Modeling good sportsmanship takes precedence in victory or defeat. Remember the game is for the players, not for your personal gratification. Be positive in your approach and eliminate the fear of failure.

Control your temper and be encouraging. Don't brute!

Emphasize development versus winning, Teacher 1st, Coach 2nd. All children are to be treated equally and fairly.

Be a positive example and influence. You have volunteered to be a role model.

Have respect for authority, rules, and game officials.

You are responsible for the children's physical safety and well being during games/practices.

All team managers and coaches must perform consistently within league rules and guidelines.

In closing we need to be teachers and motivators. It is incumbent upon each manager to teach the kids and to abide by these rules.

Registration Listing

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

Team Personnel Listing

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There are no programs available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.