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Senior Rules

2015 District 5 Fall Baseball

Senior Division Rules


Eligible players are those that are 2015 Little League age 13, 14, 15, and 16.The Division will be broken into two segments, Upper Senior and Lower Senior.-Upper Senior is designed for the more skilled and generally older players.  -Lower Senior is designed for the less skilled and generally younger players.  It is also designed to be competitive but with a stronger emphasis placed on instruction.


Games are set to begin on September 12 and will end on October 25.  This provides for a normal (Sat and Sun) schedule of 14 games.  There are no playoffs.  Managers that would like to play outside this season may contact other teams and schedule additional games.  


Upper and Lower Senior Division will follow the Little League Rule Book (“Green” Book) applying the Senior League rules unless adjusted or clarified below.

  • There is no mercy rule.

  • Pinch runner can be put in for the catcher after two outs.  Pinch runner shall be the last player to get out.

  • Minimum of six defensive outs per player and managers may do free substitution on defense.

  • Continuous batting order shall be used.

  • A maximum of three Coaches are allowed during games.  This includes the Manager.


Ties are allowed.  If time allows and the managers agree to play extra inning(s), then this is allowable as well.

Manager/Coaches Conduct

All Managers and Coaches are expected to present an atmosphere of sportsmanship and instruction.  If any manager is ejected from a game, he/she will be suspended for the remainder of that game and the next TWO played games.  Any subsequent ejection will result in suspension for the remainder of the season.

Game Preliminaries

Managers shall contact the opposing manager prior to each game to verify time and location of the game.  Each team is shall supply two games balls for each game.  Each HOME team is responsible for supplying two umpires for each of their home games.