Inner Pages
Inner Pages
will build the skeleton of your website. This will show you how to create additional pages and organize the information on your site. There are two types of Inner Pages:
Parent Pages
Sub Pages
. Parent Pages appear as a primary menu item visible at all times, while Sub Pages appear underneath another page as a drop down. Notice in the screen shot below: the pages labeled Home, Programs, About Us, and Team Central are the
Parent Pages
About Our Club, Our Staff, Alumni, Announcements are all
Sub Pages

Steps to Add an Inner Page:
- First navigate to your Contact page. Now hover over Content Manager. You should see this:
*Note: Please make sure you are not on your Home page when hovering over Content Manager.

*You can add, edit, delete or copy pages here. You will also see design modes: View, Edit, and Layout. View allows you to see the page the same way the parent/end user would see it. Edit allows you to edit content in different modules. Layout allows you to move modules to different panes.
- Click on Add under Page Actions. *Please Note: You won't see these options if you're on the home page. You'll only see them if you're on an inner web page.
- Now give your page a Name and a Title. These are usually going to be the same. Click on the question mark (?) next to each section to find out more information.
- If you want the page to show up underneath another page then give it a Parent Page. In the example below, my Directions page will show up when you hover over the About Us tab.

- Under View Permissions, you most likely want to put a green check mark in the View column for All Users. See explanation of Permissions below.
- Any other Page Settings are optional and generally not needed. See explanations below.
- Click Update at the bottom.
- Now you may want to check out our Add Module On Page help pages for steps on adding content to pages.
Explanation of Basic Page Settings:
- Page Name- This is the name of the Page. The text you enter will be displayed in the menu system.
- Page Title- Enter a title for the Page here. The text you enter will be displayed in the browser window title.
- Description- Enter a description about this page here.
- Keywords- Enter some keywords for this page
(separated by commas). These keywords are used by search engines to help
index your site's pages.
- Parent Page- Select the page that you would like this page to be a child of.
- Include in Menu- You have the choice on whether or
not to include the page in the main navigation menu. If a page is not
included in the menu, you can still link to it based on its page URL.
- Permissions- Choose the groups of people that can view and/or edit this page.
- Copy Permissions to Descendants- Copies the currently selected permissions for the page to descendant pages.
Explanation of Advanced Page Settings:
- Icon- the chosen image will appear in the menu next to the page name
- Page Skin- The selected skin will be applied to this page.
- Page Container- The selected container will be applied to modules on this page
- Copy design to descendants- Copies the currently selected design (skin and container) for the page to descendant pages.
- Disabled- If the page is disabled it is not
available to users of the site. You can use this option to suppress
content that you might wish to show at a later time.
- Refresh Interval- Enter the interval to wait between automatic page refreshes. (Example: Enter "60" for 1 minute or leave blank to disable.)
- Page Header Tags- Enter any tags (i.e. META tags) that should be rendered in the "HEAD" tag of the HTML for this page.
- Start Date- Enter the start date for displaying this page. You may use the Calendar to pick a date.
- End Date- Enter the end date for displaying this page. You may use the Calendar to pick a date.
- Link URL- If you would like this page to behave as a
navigation link to another resource, you can specify the Link URL value
here. Please note that this field is optional.