Eichhorn Recreation specializes in providing exceptional on-site recreation programs for preschools and daycares. Please take a moment to consider your child participating in the introductory sports program offered at CVMS this year. Nearly Every Friday throughout the school year there will be a program offered in the afternoon.
Little Sports uses age appropriate drills and equipment to create an engaging and fun atmosphere. This allows participants to have success in a short time building their confidence and desire to keep playing.
Jed Eichhorn and his coaching staff will lead the sessions. Jed has over 20 years of coaching youth sports and eight years as a Recreation Director. Eichhorn graduated from Central College with a Bachelor’s degree in General Studies focusing on Child Development and Sports Administration.
One of the goals of Little Sports to save your valuable family time for you! Many families want their child to have an opportunity to learn about sports, but the options are typically at night. Families have to hurry off of work and often lose that chance to have a family dinner time around the table.
Coming to you at CVMS this year:
Sports Torts Soccer - Sept/Oct
Sports Torts Football - Nov/Dec
Sports Torts Basketball - Jan/Feb
Sports Torts Ninja - Feb/Mar
Sports Torts T-Ball - Apr/May