Why CYO Sports?
Total Youth Ministry is a concept that presents a promise and a challenge to all who collaborate in serving
God's people. Youth ministry is a multi-dimensional approach reaching out to the lived experience of young
people offered by the Office of Youth Ministry. It is interested in the total person, not simply the social, athletic or
religious education dimensions. Through youth ministry we work to construct an environment that encourages
the development of relationships between youths and believing adults who can articulate and share their faith
in a wide variety of situations. By attentive listening and concern, the "mentor" aids the youth in reflecting on the
actions of God in his/her own life thus enabling that young person to begin formulating answers in the light of
witnessed tradition and gospel values. The options in ministry to, for, by and with youth are expansive and
varied. The "ministry moment" might occur in the privacy of a counseling session, it could occur in the
excitement of a basketball game, or it might take place through a quiet reflective moment during a retreat. Each
approach is valid and each is important. Total youth ministry is a diverse but integrated, holistic, pastoral
ministry for youth which depends on the harmonious collaboration among many individuals.
Athletics are a vital and important part of total youth ministry. Young people are interested in athletics and
readily come forth to participate in athletic programs. Athletics inherently have many of the components of
youth ministry as enumerated in the Archdioceses' Vision of Youth Ministry. Similar to almost any aspect of the
total youth ministry program, sports can be an effective influence in the formation of a Christian value system
and lifestyle for an adolescent through a positive experience with the "youth minister." In this case the minister
is the coach.