Mar, 2023
photos courtesy of Chris and Cadence Boudreaux.
As the morning dew and fog faded, the sun rose to reveal a beautiful day at the Bay City Little League fields on Saturday, March 25, 2023. The BCLL held its Opening Day Ceremony and officially kicked-off the 2023 baseball season!
Mar, 2023
This schedule is subject to change if rainy weather prohibits play. Please stay tuned in to our Facebook for updates!
Feb, 2023
While the temperature rises and the flowers begin to bloom, the Bay City Little League (BCLL) gears up for a fun, exciting 2023 season.
Feb, 2023
Over 140 players turned out to field balls, take some swings and run the bases at the 2023 Bay City Little League tryouts.
Mar, 2022
Please join us for our 2022 Bay City Little League Opening Ceremonies on March 26th at 9:00 a.m.
Feb, 2022
All teams for Coach Pitch, Minors, and Majors have been drafted. Coaches will be notifying players.
Jan, 2022
Registration is still open. Try-Outs will be February 12th starting at 9:00 a.m.
Dec, 2021
Spring 2022 Bay City Little League Registration is Open Now!
Mar, 2021
Opening Day begins at 9am.
Players must be dressed in full uniform and on the field by 8:45am.