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Bay City, Texas Little League

Bay City, Texas Little League

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Feb, 2023

BCLL Tryouts Exceed Expectations of President

The Bay City Little League held tryouts for the Coach Pitch, Minor, Major, and Junior/Senior divisions. 

On the field watching the players were the league's volunteer coaches and board members. 

BCLL President James Cadenas said the league, "Had a great turnout for tryouts."

"The talent looks great. Even though the nerves were present, the players really showed their skills."

Coaches took note of how the balls were fielded and thrown, hoping to even the division's teams with the strengths of each player. 

For the Junior/Senior League, division Vice President Preston Williams said, "It's really all about the fun and getting the nerves out."

The coaches also mingled with the players to learn more about them. 

"We like to get to know the players and parents, and see the dynamic between player and coach," Cadenas said. 

After fielding, players took their turn at bat with Cadenas pitching and the coaches fielding.

"I want to say I gave them some decent pitches to hit," Cadenas joked. "I'll definitely be a little sore, but getting out there with the kids is what it's all about."

What it's all about... Cadenas and BCLL Treasurer Chad Hartman agreed that seeing kids out on the fields where they once played, brings back everlasting memories of exciting times. 

"I just wanted to cheer them on to build up their confidence and loosen nerves," Hartman said. "I remember being out there and in their cleats. These kids are going to have some fun this season, " he said. 

Junior and Senior tryouts concluded on Friday, Feb. 3rd. Coach pitch, minor, and major league took place the following day. 

Teams were drafted the following week and roster assignments to be announced soon. 
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