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Bay City, Texas Little League

Bay City, Texas Little League

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Mar, 2023

Bay City Little League 2023 Opens with the support of community

As the morning dew and fog faded, the sun rose to reveal a beautiful day at the Bay City Little League fields on Saturday, March 25, 2023. The BCLL held its Opening Day Ceremony and officially kicked-off the 2023 baseball season!

BCLL President James Cadenas welcomed guests and spoke to the hard work put into this season's planning from volunteers, players and planners. He welcomed and turned over the program to Master of Ceremony Clint Hewitt, who introduced all 18 teams of the league and welcomed special guests and local dignitaries.

"I would like to personally thank all of you for attending this year's Opening Day Ceremony," Cadenas said. "The teams have been busy practicing and organizing to show off their talent this year."

The Boy Scouts of Troop #45 presented the colors in formal fashion, and BCLL player Dawson Hudgins carried the crowd through the National Anthem. Hudgins' beautiful, a cappella performance rang through the neighborhoods surrounding the ballpark.

Jordan Piwonka, Bay City Challenger League Director, led the park in a special invocation asking for guidance and safety for the league - its players, its coaches, and its attendees. 

Umpire-In-Chief Robert Medina recognized the organization's honoree, and officially dedicated the 2023 Season of the Bay City Little League.

"I have the honor and privilege to present this plague honoring the late, Coach Manny Rodriguez, to his wife Merry," Medina said.

Cadenas spoke to the decision of this presentation. 

"Coach Manny dedicated many, many years of service to our organization. He served on the board, coached teams, dedicated hours to building and mending our facilities, and touched countless lives with his dedication to the players of BCLL," he said.

He continued, "He can be credited for many young players reaching the collegiate level of baseball and instilling hard work, dedication, and admirable work ethic in even more player’s lives."

Present to accept the plaque of appreciate was wife, Merry Rodriguez; son, Brock Rodriguez; brother, Louis Rodriguez; sister, Becca Garcia; brother-in-law, Richard Garcia; nephews, Benjamin Garcia, Nicolas Rodriguez and Andrew Rodriguez. His son Dalton Rodriguez was with us via social media due to scheduling conflicts. 

Brock Rodriguez followed the presentation with the first pitch of the season. 

Cadenas awarded the BCLL Volunteer of the Year to the league's treasurer and secretary, husband and wife duo, Chad and Jessica Hartman. 

"Each year, the president has the hard task to select a volunteer of the year, and this year, after seeing how these two came in being new to the organization and made this season happen, I thought Chad and Jessica were the perfect candidates to receive the awards,” Cadenas said.

Hewitt introduced the organization's board: President James Cadenas; Vice President/ Player Agent Justin Rodriguez; Treasurer Chad Hartman; Secretary Jessica Hartman; VP Jr./Sr. League Preston Williams; VP Majors,Tee Ball and Field Manager Elijah Ellis; VP Minors Mark West; VP Coach Pitch David Silva; Equipment Manager Steven Cortez; Concessions Manager Brenda Ellis; Umpire in Chief Robert Medina; Safety Officer Felix Nunez; Challenger League Director Jordan Piwonka; Voting Board Israel Ochoa; and Voting Board Rudy Ramos. 

Once complete with introductions, Hewitt announced the event's auction items. 

Through its partnership of the Future Astros Program, the league auctioned two items which included four (4) tickets to a winner's choice Astro's game with added perks like batting practice passes and the Gallagher Club House passes. 

Each attendee took turn bidding on beautiful cakes provided by the organization's teams. 

"The cake auction is always fun for the players, and for the attendees," Cadenas said.

“The cakes are really cool. Each one is planned and created by each team. The bidding can get really exciting."

Hewitt ensured the excitement carried through each item with his entertaining bid-motivation, and the team's followed with smiles, waives, and cheers.

Cadenas said Hewitt's charm paired with the community's generosity paid off in a big way. 

"Through the Opening Day Ceremony, the league raised $24,000, which included our Golf Ball Drop and auction," he said. 

When announcing the total amount raised, Cadenas radiated with gratitude. 

"With inflation affecting our equipment and apparel costs, knowing families of the Bay City Little League are facing the same challenges, we were hoping for a big turnout to keep up with the rising costs. This helps tremendously to keep registration fees at a minimum," Cadenas said. 

He continued to explain, "Also new this year, even though we maintain our own facilities, is a facility use agreement with the City of Bay City which charges the league thousands of dollars for electricity and maintenance. 

"So, having the community come out, unaware of what lies ahead for the league, and to support the BCLL through their amazing charitable donations, left me speechless, and with heartfelt pride of this great community."

Cadenas says the thank yous don't quite express how grateful the league is for all who had a hand in its season.

"The sponsors, the bidders, the ones who purchased ball drop tickets, the people that share our information through social media or word of mouth, the folks that donate their time to volunteer… everyone involved has made this season possible for our community’s kids to play ball, build character and skills, and create long-lasting memories," he said.

"I have to quote Jessica Hartman on a message she sent to the board following Opening Day:

"She said, 'From the fields looking stunning to the smooth operation in the concession stand, to the smiles, cheers, bat pings, balls slapping into mitts… all of the joyous sounds roaring through the ballpark, it is all because of this community!

"'The season’s open and in full swing and that’s what it is all about. I hope you all walk a little taller this evening, because man, did I swell with pride to know I’m a small gear in this fantastic organization, and have the tremendous pleasure of standing along side all of you great folks!'

"Because of every single person who has contributed to this organization, these kids have a safe and exciting platform to play some ball, gain skills, and make some wonderful memories."

The league invites you to enjoy photos from the day's festivities on their Facebook. All photos were provided by Chris and Cadence Boudreaux.

Cadenas would like to personally invite the community to cheer on the young athletes throughout this season. Stay up-to-date with schedules by following the league on Facebook. 

The following is a list of contributors The Bay City Little League would like to acknowledge for their generosity:
Platinum Sponsor Gillen Pest Control
Platinum Sponsor Sparklight
Platinum Sponsor Gulf Coast Solutions
Platinum Sponsor Don and Freddie Memorial 
Platinum Sponsor Bricker Pest Control
Platinum Sponsor Silverstar Helicopters, LLC
Platinum Sponsor (Bob) Klepac Pest Control
Opening Day Master of Ceremony Clint Hewitt
Bay City Challenger League Director Jordan Piwonka
National Anthem Performer Dawson Hudgins
Swinging "R" Ranch and the family of Coach Manny Rodriguez
Friend of BCLL Sponsor STP
Friend of BCLL Sponsor BC Bandits Select Team
Kyle T. Hudgins
Boy Scout Troop #45
County Judge Bobby Seiferman
County Treasurer Loretta Griffin
130th District Court Judge Denise Fortenberry
BCISD Board Trustee Felix Nunez
City of Bay City Council, Mayor Pro Tem Jim Folse
District Clerk Janice Hawthorne
County Clerk Stephanie Wurtz
District Attorney Steven Reis
City of Bay City Council Brad Westmoreland
BCISD School Board President Jill Westmoreland
Commissioner Pct 2 Mike Estlinbaum
BCISD Board Trustee Mark West
City of Bay City Council Blayne Finlay
JP Pct 2 Suzanne Sullivan
Republican Candidate for Matagorda County Sheriff Rick DeLeon
Bay City Veterinary Clinic
Matagorda Veterinary Clinic
Aquazyme Services
All individuals who purchased Golf Ball Drop Tickets
All individuals who contributed to the cake auction
Justin Rodriguez for sound equipment
Chris and Cadence Boudreaux for photography
Lynsie West for assistance with Opening Day
Ronnie Rivera for assistance with Opening Day
Every player of the BCLL
Every parent or guardian of the BCLL
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