CYAA Fall Apparel Store
Meetings are open to the community. If you are interested in Fundraising, or Snack Stand attend the September Board Meeting.
Alumni Field September 7th is Picture Day
The Catasauqua Youth Athletic Association welcomes our newest sponsor!
Check out the link for football, baseball, and field hockey apparel.
Fall sports appreciation day is Saturday July 27th and Sunday July 28th
We now have an AED available at Opportunity Field
The 5th Annual CYAA Golf Tourney was held July 20th at Shepherd Hills GC.
New for the Fall 2019 July 20th 10:30am-12pm July 25th 6pm-7:30pm July 27th 10:30am-12pm August 1st 6pm-7:30pm
CYAA Youth Football Registration
May 11TH Picture Day
Field 1
Field 2
Field 3
Field 4
Field 5
Field 6
Catasauqua Youth Athletic Association 890 Walnut Street Catasauqua, Pennsylvania 18032
Phone: 484-459-6724 Email: