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North Valley Hockey & Sports Complex


Please contact us if you will be in need of equipment as it is on a first come first serve basis. You can contact us by email at 
[email protected] or we will be available at the rink. Equipment can be purchased online at Inline Warehouse. All Players must wear protective equipment during all games and practices. Players will not be allowed to participate without all of the required equipment - no exceptions!


  • HECC Approved Helmet w/ full face cage or shield
  • Mouth Guard
  • Elbow Pads
  • Hockey Gloves
  • Shin Guards
  • Hockey Pants
  • Protective Cup (male players)
  • Stick
  • In-Line or Roller skates (w/o brake)

Optional Equipment

  • Girdle
  • Pelvic Protector (female players)
  • Shoulder and Chest protection



1. TAKE OUT ALL YOUR GEAR. The number one hockey gear no-no is leaving your wet and sweaty gear just laying in your bag. The gear needs to be able to air out. So, take out all of the gear. If your skates are wet, make sure you dry them off, especially the blades. We don't want any rust on them!

2. Make an odor killing concoction. Find an empty spray bottle and pour three capfuls of white vinegar into it. Fill up the rest of the spray bottle with water. Screw on the lid and shake. Your concoction is made!

3. apply your odor spray liberally. Spray inside gloves, skates, chest protectors, etc. The more the better.

4. clean your mouth guard. Usually a little warm water and soap does the trick. You don't want to put a bacteria full mouth guard into your mouth!

5. leave out all of your equipment. Dry it for least for 24 hours or more. Just make sure all or your gear is dry before you put it back into your bag for next time.

YOU CAN WASH YOUR GEAR IN THE MACHINE. Do not wash helmet or skates or use bleach. 


STEP 1 Remove the wheels from the roller hockey skates. This can be done by using an allen wrench to turn the center of the wheel counterclockwise until it can be easily removed.

STEP 2 Use a bearing tool to push into the center of the wheel until the bearing pops out. Remove the side shields of the bearings by using a pin to pry up the thin clips holding the shields on. Once the clips and shields have been removed, be careful not to lose any of the small pieces.

STEP 3 Use warm soapy water to scrub the roller hockey skates and the wheels until they look clean. An old toothbrush can make the job easier. Wipe the skates down with a damp rag to remove soap residue.

STEP 4 Pour mineral spirits into a large cup and drop the bearings and shields into the mineral spirits. Swirl the cup around to remove the dirt from the bearings. Let the bearings and shields soak for a few minutes and then remove them. Rinse the mineral spirits away by pouring isopropyl alcohol onto the bearing and shields. Dry the parts off with a rag.

STEP 5 Lubricate the bearings with a lubricant specifically made for bearings. Reassemble the bearings by attaching the shields and then put the bearings back in the wheels.

STEP 6 Use the allen wrench to reattach the wheels to the roller hockey skates.


  1. Learn how to tie your skates tight.
  2. Have your mouth guard OR you will not be able to play.
  3. All protective equipment must be worn at all times
  4. Follow the Code of Conduct and House Rules