Eligibility Requirements
All students in the Reynolds, Gresham, Barlow, Corbett or Centennial School Districts are eligible to play with East County Little League. If you live out of the Reynolds, Gresham, Barlow, Corbett or Centennial School Districts and attend a charter school that is in district you are allowed to play with the completion of a school eligibility form that you can pick up at an in person registration event. You will be required to bring 3 proofs of address documents prior to being placed on a team and the list of acceptable documents can be found below.
Residence should be established and supported by documents containing full residence which includes parent(s) or guardian(s) name, street address, city, state and zip code information, dated or in force between February 1, 2023 (previous year) and February 1, 2024 (current year), from one or more documents from EACH of the three Groups outlines below along with the original birth certificate to prove age:
Group 1
1. Driver's License (photo ID of parent(s) or guardian(s) with qualifying residence address)
2. School records (home address of player's parents or guardians
3. Vehicle records (i.e., registration, lease, etc.)
4. Employment records
5. Insurance documents (with residence address)
Group 2
1.Welfare/child care records
2. Federal records (i.e., Federal Tax, Social Security, ect.)
3. State records
4 .Local (municipal) records
5. Support payment records
6. Homeowner or tenant records
7. Military records
Group 3
1. Voter's registration
2. Utility bills (i.e.,-gas, electric, water/sewer, phone, mobile phone, heating, waste disposal)
3. Financial records (loan, credit, investments, etc.)
4. Medical records
5. Internet, cable, or satellite television records
NOTE: Example- Three documents from the same Group (utility bill, cable bill, and bank statement) constitute only ONE document.