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Greater Burlington Girls Soccer

GBGSL Division Listing

GBGSL Spring 2025

GBGSL is a Recreational Soccer League for Girls enrolled in Grades K through 6.

Our ask: PLEASE REVIEW ALL information below PRIOR to registering and/or emailing GBGSL with questions.

GBGSL runs on a tight budget to keep our programs affordable and fun for all participants. We have policies in place that we have developed over our decades of existence to provide the best experience for everyone and to run our program efficiently. 

Please read and understand these policies so you have appropriate expectations for what you are signing up for. Please refrain from requesting exemptions or special consideration from these policies. 

Girls must be in Kindergarten thru 6th grade in Spring 2025 to play in GBGSL.  (NOTE: If the player you are registering is not in the grade that corresponds to her age, the registration system may place her in the wrong grade. If this happens to you, just register with the grade the system places her in and then email us at [email protected] so we can manually change the division. This must be done prior to the published deadline.)

Deadline: February 7, 2025
Registration will close on the noted deadline with no exceptions. See below for info on registering for the waitlist after the close of registration. 

Cost Per Season: $45.
Registration fees are non-refundable. Scholarships are available to families in need. We request that you pay what you can afford, if anything. When registering, choose “pay by check” as your payment option and email [email protected] to request a scholarship and we will provide instructions. 

  • GBGSL’s season includes 5 "regular" weekly Saturday morning games and 1 “jamboree” on the final Saturday – these dates will be published on our site and available during the registration process.
  • Weekly games are played at Calahan Park in Burlington. 
  • Games are generally scheduled between 8 am and 1 pm.
  • Schedules will be posted on the website, typically a week before the first game of the season.
  • Spring 2025 Dates: May 3 - June 7

Practice times and locations:
  • Practice times and locations are set by the volunteer coaches for each team.
  • Parents should be willing to drive to where practices are held at the convenience of the volunteer coaches. 
  • Coaches will be responsible for finding practice field space, GBGSL cannot tell you in advance when or where practices will be. 
  • Kindergarten teams do not practice. 

  • GBGSL has a long tradition of providing team shirts and coordinating socks to each player. 
  • Girls in Grades K through 4 will get a cotton t-shirt. Girls in 5th and 6th grade will get a tech jersey.
  • Each player will have an opportunity to specify their size during registration. Please pay close attention to the sizing when making your selection – all size selections are final, GBGSL cannot reorder new shirts after the shirts are printed.  
  • Cleats are not required but are strongly recommended.
  • Girls must wear shin guards to play. If it creates a financial hardship for you to purchase shin guards, please email [email protected] as we at times have extra shin guards we can provide.
  • No earrings or jewelry can be worn during play at games or practices. Earrings cannot be taped or covered, they must be taken out. This is a Vermont Soccer Association rule, there are no exceptions.   

How to Register:
  • GBGSL uses Sports Connect to manage our registration.
  • The league is absorbing credit card fees for all registrations, but there is a per household service fee of $3.
  • If you pay by credit card expect to see a charge from BLUE SOMBRERO in PLANO, TX,
  • If you haven’t already, you will need to set up an account on Sports Connect.
  • Follow the instructions online to complete registration.
  • You are not officially registered until you have completed payment.

Divisions are filled based on 8 teams per division (grades 1-6), 6 teams for Kindergarten, and the maximum team size limits listed in the Team Placement section below. This is done in order to ensure optimal playing time for all participants. Anyone registering after a division is filled is not guaranteed a spot for the current season and will be placed on the waitlist. If a spot opens on the waitlist, you will have 48 hours to register after being contacted by GBGSL via email. If you do not respond within these 48 hours, your child’s spot will be forfeited to the next person on the waitlist. 

Late Registration Policy:
Anyone registering after the “Deadline” is not guaranteed a spot for the current season. If no spaces are available, you will be placed on a waitlist (see Waitlist policy above). If there is space in a division or a space opens up you will be charged the late registration fee of $65 ($45 + $20 late fee). You may request a scholarship, but we require all late registrations to pay the $20 late fee. 

Team Placement:
In order to ensure optimal playing time for all of our players, we limit our teams to the following sizes:                               
Kindergarten Division – 8 players per team                               
Grade 1-2 Division – 12 players per team                               
Grade 3-4 Division – 13 players per team                               
Grade 5-6 Division – 15 players per team
Team Assignment:
  • All registered players will be emailed with their Team assignment at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the season.
  • GBGSL’s goal is to make this a fun experience for all the girls, and we make every effort to put your child with at least ONE friend when possible. If your player would like to be placed on a team with a friend, please answer the appropriate questions during registration. You MUST include that friend’s name on your registration, and the registration of that friend must include your child’s name in order to be placed on the same team.
  • Please note: GBGSL makes new teams every season. You and your daughter should not expect that you will have the same team with the same kids and the same coach as last season. We strongly discourage you from emailing the league and requesting changes of team placement. We want you to understand when registering that you should expect a different team and coach every season and that there is no expectation that teams exist beyond a single season.

All GBGSL Coaches are volunteers, mostly parents like you. GBGSL is often in need of coaches. Click on the Coaching link at the top of the GBGSL Blue Sombrero page for more information, including details about the clinic we are offering. We do REQUIRE coaching safe sport training. Please do not request team placements with coaches. 

We couldn’t keep our costs affordable without the help of our amazing SPONSORS. We ask for your help in finding other businesses appropriate for youth sponsorship. The name of the business will appear on the back of a team shirt or jersey. Additionally, the business logo may be displayed on this website (logo file will be required). We have tiered sponsorship levels: if the sponsor is a family with a child who is playing, the cost is $150. 

QUESTIONS NOT ANSWERED HERE? Email us at [email protected]

Kindergarten Division

Registration closes on 02/07/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 05/03/2025 to 06/07/2025

Division 1/2 (1st and 2nd graders)

Registration closes on 02/07/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 05/03/2025 to 06/07/2025

Division 3/4 (3rd and 4th graders)

Registration closes on 02/07/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 05/03/2025 to 06/07/2025

Division 5/6 (5th and 6th graders)

Registration closes on 02/07/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 05/03/2025 to 06/07/2025

Contact Us

Greater Burlington Girls Soccer League

PMB 127, 150 Dorset St. Ste 245
South Burlington, Vermont 05403

Email Us: [email protected]
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