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Welcome To The GBGSL Website

Greater Burlington Girls Soccer

GBGSL Points Of Emphasis

Responsibilities of the Coach:

  1. It is the Responsibility of the Coach to be familiar with:
  2. It is the Responsibility of the Coach that the Players are dressed correctly.
    • No jewelry!!!
    • No jersey, No play!!!
    • Stockings MUST cover shin guards.
    • No hooded sweatshirts, baseball caps, casts, etc.
    • Anything the Referee deems "unsafe" in not permissible.
  3. It is the Responsibility of the Coach have teams ready to play at game time.
  4. It is the Responsibility of the Coach to behave in a responsible manner.
  5. It is the Responsibility of the Coach NOT, under ANY Circumstance, to discuss any matter with the Referee as to the Referee's decisions BEFORE, DURING and/or AFTER a Match.
  6. It is the Responsibility of the Coach to direct comments/questions regarding Referees, interpretation of the GBGSL Rules and/or Laws of the Game to the GBGSL Board.

Responsibilities of the Parent:

  1. It is the Responsibility of the Parent to behave in a responsible manner.
  2. It is the Responsibility of the Parent that the Players are dressed correctly. See above.
  3. It is the Responsibility of the Parent to have Players ready to play at game time.
  4. It is the Responsibility of the Parent NOT, under ANY Circumstance, to discuss any matter with the Referee as to the Referee's decisions BEFORE, DURING and/or AFTER a Match.
  5. Under NO Circumstances should a Parent discuss any matter with the Referee as to the Referee's decisions BEFORE, DURING and/or AFTER a Match.
  6. It is the Responsibility of the Parent to direct comments/questions regarding Referees, interpretation of the GBGSL Rules and/or Laws of the Game to the GBGSL Board


  1. Referees used in the GBGSL are 1st or 2nd year officials, mostly teenage females.
  2. The evaluation process for new officials are as follows:
    • Appearance
    • Signal Mechanics
    • Whistle Mechanics
    • Rules of Competition.
  3. Referees will not act as on-field instructors.

Contact Us

Greater Burlington Girls Soccer League

PMB 127, 150 Dorset St. Ste 245
South Burlington, Vermont 05403

Email Us: [email protected]
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