Rules and Policies

Milton Little League Local Rules

(See attached for full Local Rules)

Anyone who is found to have vandalized, stolen, or broken the law or League Rules, within the confines of the Milton Little League Park, shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and prohibited from being on the premises for 12 months. A follow-up letter by registered mail will be sent to person or guardian. (Reviewed 2/6/07)

Where no lights are provided, there will be a 2-hour time limit or a 4-inning limit on the game. If 4 innings are not complete, you go back to the 3rd inning score and record that score on the books. Rain, darkness, or the 2-hour limit will determine whether an inning is incomplete. (Reviewed


Maximum runs per inning during regular season: Major and Minor Girls and Minor Boys will be a maximum of 6 runs per inning. (Amended 2/6/07)

Allow 3 adults (approved by the Board with letter of intent filed in the office) in the dugout. This will allow one manager and one coach to be on the field and one adult in the dugout. Scorekeepers or other personnel are not permitted on the field or in the dugout.

If a Manager, coach, player, or any spectator is ejected from a game, they are suspended from the remainder of that game and from the next scheduled game played. Any person ejected from a game must leave Little League property. If ejected two times during a season, the Board of Directors will determine the consequences. (Amended 2/6/07)

No metallic body or hair jewelry, sunglasses, tobacco or chewing tobacco is to be worn or used by players during the game.   Exception: safety sunglasses can be worn for medical purposes. Penalty:

First offense - Warning

Second offense - Player/Manager/Coach -Ejected

Third offense - Take before the Board

(Amended 2/6/07)

Discipline (Reviewed 2/6/07)

First offense - Verbal warning and sit the bench in uniform (explanation given to player,


Second Offense - Player must sit the bench in uniform for two games. (Manager, League

Vice President or President must discuss this action with parent/guardian and player).

Third Offense - Brought to Board by Manager or League action. Absenteeism

First offense - No excused absence and/or notification to manager/coach prior to missing

practice and/or game-Verbal Warning.

Second Offense - Player is benched one game in uniform.

Third Offense - Brought before the Board.

Each team is responsible for picking up trash on its own side of the field and/or spectator area and cleaning out dugouts and sweeping when necessary. The Home team is responsible for preparing the field for the game and raking after the game is completed as well as to raise and lower the American Flag (Major field responsibility). Managers are responsible for enforcement. (Reviewed 2/6/07)

When a second game is scheduled, there is a two-hour time limit on the first game. (Reviewed 2/6/07)



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