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Lake Mary Little League

Volunteer Umpire Voucher Program

The LMLL Umpire voucher program is set up to allow family members, coaches, or older/ex-players (13 and up) to stay in the game for the love of the game. This position requires a strong sense of responsibility and courage to make the hard calls during a ballgame.  Umpiring games for the league via the voucher program will earn credit for the player of your choice; each game you officiate will earn your child $20 to offset their next seasons registration.  If you are able to do 7 games you will cover nearly all of next seasons registration completely!

How to become an umpire

If you are interested in becoming a Lake Mary Little League umpire, please follow the steps below:

  1. Visit
  2. On the About tab, go to the Umpire Corner and select Umpire Registration
  3. Fill out the form online


Q.  What are the requirements to be an Umpire?

The minimum age is “League Age 13”.  You must attend the Mandatory Umpire training, fill out the Little League Volunteer form located on our home page (if over 18), be properly equipped, and motivated.  

Q.  Isn't 13 too young to be an umpire?

The players that are 13-17 will work as field umpires in games requiring two umpires.  They will work with their adult counterpart in calling the game and when they show that they have mastered the rules of the game and feel comfortable may take on more responsibility with the Board of Directors approval.

Q. What is the commitment?  How many games do I have to umpire?

You choose how many games and how often you want to umpire.  The schedule will be published two weeks in advanced on the website.  If you would like to do a game and no one has been assigned, contact the UIC via email at [email protected] and you will be assigned.

Q. What divisions will I be umpiring?

LMLL uses umpires for Baseball-AA and above
                                       Softball- Minor and above

Q. What do I wear when umpiring?

Looking professional will provide a level of respect from coaches and show that you are serious and committed to doing your best.  The league will provide you with a dark blue collared shirt and hat.  We will also provide you with (shared) protective gear.  You are responsible for providing your own black pants and shoes.  No shorts, sandals, or flip flops.

Q. Who runs Lake Mary Little League?

The league is run by its Board of Directors, who are entirely parent volunteers.

Q. What should I do if it’s been raining and the games may be cancelled?

We all know the saying “if you don't like the weather in Florida, wait 10 minutes and it will change.”  With that said constantly check the website, Facebook page, and text notification system.  If unsure, please contact the umpire in chief immediately.

Q. What if I signed up to umpire and something comes up?

The first step is to try to find a replacement from our group.  (All LMLL umpires will be given the contact information of volunteer umpires).  Call the UIC and let him know if you could or could not find the replacement.  If it last minute and an umpire cannot  be found then we may have to cancel the game, so please give as much notice as possible when issues arise.

Q.  How does the Voucher Program Work?

For every game you umpire a credit of $20 will be added to your child, or the child of your designation, registration for the next season.  You will be able to keep track of the games you umpired by looking at the spreadsheet on the website under the umpire tab.

Q.  If I don't have a child in the league can I just volunteer?

Absolutely, just contact the UIC via email and we will provide you with the required forms and training.

Q. Who can I contact for more information?

[email protected]
Scott Dunn
Cell- 407-489-7268

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