Please complete this form to register for EGSA's TOPSoccer Program. >>> TOPSoccer Registration
Please read this page before registering for this program. Please note: this is NOT the EGSA House League registration.
What is the TOPSoccer Program?
The TOPSoccer Program offers boys and girls ages 4 to 18 with physical and/or mental challenges the opportunity to participate in an organized game of soccer; to wear a uniform and to play on the same field as their peers. The fundamental goal of the division is to give everyone a chance to play.
How does the TOPSoccer Program Work?
The EGSA TOPSoccer program brings together both special needs athletes and peer athletes in a positive and fun environment through the "Buddy Program". Each TOPS athlete is assigned one or two buddies, who are either EGSA players or volunteers from the local community. The buddy is responsible for playing side by side with the TOPS Player and assisting them throughout the game with dribbling and scoring goals.
What is provided?
Players receive a jersey, as well as reasonable accommodations to facilitate play.
Where/when are the practices/games played?
Practices and games are played on a regulation U8 or U10-size field at one of the East Greenwich School fields. Sessions are run for one hour on weekend mornings in September & October (Fall Season) and April & May (Spring Season). We also partner with the North Kingstown Soccer Club to play a few games with their TOPSoccer athletes at Wilson Park in North Kingstown.
How many games are played?
The typical TOPSoccer season will run for 4-6 weeks in both Fall and Spring seasons.
What does the program cost?
EGSA does not charge a registration fee to participate in TOPSoccer.
Can I volunteer?
Yes! Assistance is always needed in the coordination of a variety of activities to help the program grow and succeed.
To learn more about TOPSoccer, contact any EGSA board member or email Howard Faunce.
How do I register?
Registration for the TOPSoccer program runs concurrently with the fall and spring recreational seasons. Check the registration panel at the top of this page to see if the EGSA TOPSoccer enrollment period is currently open.
EGSA's Inaugural TOPSoccer Athletes & Buddies (Fall 2016)