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Bellingham Youth Baseball



Subject to change with guidance from the Bellingham Board of health and the guidelines set forth from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


ALL PLAYERS, SPECTATORS, COACHES, UMPIRES, and VOLUNTEERS may attend events with BYBI and/or at the Harpin Street fields with the understanding it is at their own risk.


·         Players should fill out the online form stating present health and recent travel before practices and games.

·         Players should not attend ANY BYBI event (i.e. – practice, game, etc.) if they are feeling sick or exhibiting any symptoms of illness

·         Parents should check their player’s temperature before each event and not allow them to attend if they have a fever

·         Players must wear face coverings when they are off the playing field. They are allowed to wear them while playing if they wish and can do so safely.

·         Players must bring their own equipment and should be distanced from other players’ equipment (i.e. –helmet, glove, etc.) Batting gloves are not necessary but can be worn.

·         Shared equipment should be for limited use only and disinfected in between uses with a CDC approved solution (e.g. – catchers gear or bats)

·         Players will be required to bring their own water bottle or sports drink. Their names should be on the container in LARGE print.

·         No food to be consumed on playing field or dugout area, including sunflower seeds, gum, etc.

·         No handshakes, fist bumps, etc.

·         Players are to bring their own chair for the dugout area, which is behind the actual dugout

·         Players are encouraged to wash their hands before they arrive at the field and after games. We will have sanitizing stations located near the dugouts and throughout the complex.

·         Players must abide by the travel restrictions set forth by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


·         Coaches will be required to wear face coverings when they are unable to maintain their social distance

·         Coaches will be responsible for ensuring their players are following their guidelines

·         Coaches must abide by the travel restrictions set forth by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


·         Umpires will be required to wear face coverings when they are unable to maintain their social distance

·         Pregame plate meetings will be conducted in accordance with social distance guidelines

·         Umpires will minimize their contact with the baseballs when at all possible

·         Other guidelines will be set based on protocol from the umpire’s association.


·         Spectators should not attend BYBI events if they are feeling ill or have an elevated temperature

·         Spectators will be encouraged to stay in a predetermined area while watching the game and leave the fields as soon as possible once the game ends

·         Spectators will not be allowed in or around the dugout of playing area

·         Spectators should be limited to household members only, and when possible, minimize those who attend

·         Spectators must maintain social distancing if not family members

·         Spectators are encouraged to bring their own chairs to watch the game.

·         Bleachers and Picnic Tables are currently not available for use; subject to change with changes of restrictions and social distancing on non-family members


·         BYBI will work with the town officials to maintain sanitary conditions throughout the fields where possible

·         High touch areas at the concession stand will be disinfected frequently with a CDC approved solution

·         Open air dugouts will be lined alongside or next to the dugouts and will be used by players and coaches ONLY.  They will be constructed in a way that allows players and coaches to maintain social distance.

·         Bathrooms will be available and cleaned every day before games with a CDC-approved solution and again in the evening. They are to be used at your own risk.


·         Game baseballs will be kept aside until needed

·         Contact with baseballs should be limited to players where possible

·         Shared equipment should be for limited use only and disinfected in between uses with a CDC approved solution (e.g. – catcher’s gear)


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