This camp revolves around soccer related games, activities, trainings, and competition and will include instruction on the fundamentals of soccer and are designed to meet the needs of beginner, developmental, recreational, and advanced soccer players. Boys and girls will be placed in groups based on age and skill level to help ensure a positive camp experience.
This camp will allow players to have a well rounded soccer player experience covering technical skills, tactic, and soccer techniques while having tons of fun!
Monday August 1st - Friday August 5th
August 1st - August 4th 9am-3:00pm
August 5th 9:00am - 12:00pm
Norfolk Indoor
202 W 22nd St
Norfolk, VA 23517
What to bring?
A lot of water!
Weather Appropriate Clothing
Bag Lunch & Snack
Cost: $280
FREE Pizza on Friday with a closing ceremony!