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Volunteer for UCYSA

Volunteer to Serve 

Our Board exists to support the mission of UCYSA by directing policies that will carry youth soccer in Oregon for decades to come. 

This is a fabulous opportunity for volunteers who want to influence and shape the Union County Youth Soccer program and its youth. UCYSA has open positions on our Board of Directors and Coordinators, and we need more dedicated and passionate individuals to help the program grow. 

Open Club Officers & Duties:
President (Open)
The President shall supervise all activities of the Club and Board. The President shall be the presiding Officer at all Club meetings. The President shall appoint committees as needed or when charged to do so by a majority of the elected officers and shall be an ex officio member of all committees. The President shall be the official representative of the Club in all interactions with the public, except when another person has been given that authority by the President with the approval of the Board. The President shall act as the Risk Management Coordinator for the Club.

Secretary (Open)
The Secretary shall keep and publish an accurate record of all meetings, maintain the files of the Club and be responsible for the preparation of the annual report, and be a voting member of the Board.

Head Coach (Open)
The Board may appoint a Head Coach to manage the Club's coaches. If appointed, the Head Coach shall attend regular meetings of the Board and shall advise the Board on all issues relating to player and coach development. The head coach shall be a voting member of the Board. The Head Coach shall be responsible for establishing a program of player and coach development and will be responsible for the following functions:
a. To develop and carry out a Coach Development Program including scheduling or providing training clinics, conducting meetings for the coaches, provide policy and
training related to acceptable behavior, and other activities as appropriate to facilitate the training of the coaches and the players.
b. Maintain a coaches' resource site on the Club Internet site linking coaches to drills and training resources appropriate to each level of coaching in the club as well as links to coaching supply resources.
c. Communicate to coaches information on programs and Club policies and general information relating to Club activities and team organization.
d. Coordinate the recruitment and selection of coaches.
e. Coordinate with the Registrar the assignment of coaches to teams.
f. Report to the Board all matters relating to coaching.
g. Arrange for an annual training camp for recreational level players to be held in La Grande just prior to or early into the Recreational Soccer Season each year.
h. Investigate all injuries and maintain a file of insurance claims as well as report these to the Board at their next meeting.
i. The Head Coach shall be a voting member of the Board.

Open Coordinators: 
Select Soccer Coordinator (Open)
The Select Soccer Coordinator shall be responsible for soccer play in the competitive leagues:
a. To develop and carry out the Select Soccer Program in compliance with the rules and team formation policies for competitive teams.
b. Be available to assist coaches in the tryouts for competitive players.
c. Communicate to coaches information on programs and Club policies and general information relating to Club activities and team organization.
d. Coordinate the recruitment and selection of Select Coaches and identify Team Managers within each team.
e. Coordinate with the Head Coach in offering Coaches' Training Courses each year in La Grande or the nearby area appropriate to the level of the current Select Teams.
f. Coordinate with the Registrar the assignment of coaches to teams.
g. Report to the Board all matters relating to Select coaching.
h. The Select Coordinator shall be a voting member of the Board.

Field Coordinator (Open)
The Field Coordinator shall procure from the appropriate organizations the use of the necessary fields for each of the Club Soccer Seasons. They shall communicate with those organizations any concerns about field maintenance activities or concerns over player safety relating to fields. They will select and hire with Board approval individuals to layout and line fields for play as well as maintain those lines. They shall inspect fields throughout each season regarding their safety as well as for maintenance of goals, their anchoring needs, nets, and lines. They shall, along with the Equipment Coordinator be responsible for the placement and maintenance of goals, their anchoring needs, and nets prior to the start of each season's play as well as assist in removing those goals at the conclusion of the season if appropriate. The Field Coordinator shall be a voting member of the Board.

Area Representatives: Cove, Imbler, Union (Open) 
The Area Representatives shall be the principal Board members responsible for signing up players in each of their respective areas for the Recreational Soccer Season and shall be available to those families for clarifications about the players, teams, coaches, requests, or other problems and concerns throughout the soccer Season. They shall also be responsible for coordinating team photographs for the teams of their area, for procuring the use of fields in their respective area, and for ongoing Inspection of those fields throughout the Recreational Soccer Season. Each of the Area Representatives shall be voting members of the Board.

If you are interested in volunteering for an open position within UCYSA please contact Haaven Carlson @ 541-805-0647

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