The Travel program is our most competitive level of play. Travel is a 2 season commitment (Fall and Spring). Separate boys & girls teams are formed in the soccer age groups of U9-U19 based on player interest. This program features match play against local teams from around the central region of Connecticut. This level of play is more demanding for both the players and the parents. There are normally two practices per week, and usually one to two games per weekend. There also may be Tournament Participation outside of the league games. This program features travel uniforms, team experience and a higher level of coaching knowledge, as well as more competitive player expectations. Most away games are within a 30-45 minute drive of Bristol, however this is not a guarantee.
TEAMS: Travel teams are formed over the summer. Tryouts occur mid-May with teams announced by the end of June. Players may be added throughout the year based on an individual trainer evaluation and the roster needs of a specific team.
GAMES: Teams will play a minimum of 12 games per season, divided into two categories: League and Friendly.
PRACTICES - Each travel team will have 2 practices per week, one coach-led practice for 1.5 hours and one trainer-led practice for 2 hours. Practice times are chosen prior to the start of the season and will be communicated when they are determined.
FEE: $200 (plus processing fee) each season