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Fort Lee Girls Basketball League

Parent Code of Conduct

As the parent or legal guardian of the child listed above, I hereby give my full consent and approval for my child to participate in the Fort Lee Girls Recreation Basketball League.  

I further understand that there are certain risks of inherent injury in the practice and play of this sport and I am willing to assume these risks on behalf of my child. I hereby certify that my child is fully capable of participating in this sport and that my child is healthy and has no physical or mental disabilities that would restrict full participation in these activities.

I do hereby waive, release, and hold harmless the Fort Lee Girls Recreation Basketball League, its officers, coaches, sponsors including, without limitations, the Fort Lee Board of Education and Borough of Fort Lee and facilities used for this program for any injury that may be suffered by my child in the normal course of participation or any other cause.

I understand that travel may be involved for some activities and approve my daughter to ride with a FLGB volunteer when absolutely necessary.

By signing this form, I understand it is my responsibility to notify the league in writing should I become aware of any allergies or physical/medical conditions, which could hinder safety while practicing or playing basketball.

Please Note- If any of these conditions currently exist, it is imperative I inform via email my daughter’s coach and a FLGB Board. 

I also agree not to communicate with any referee regardless of any situation. If you have any issues, please speak with FLGB Board Member.

Participating in this league is for having fun and learning the game of basketball. It is not about winning. All Parents and Players MUST demonstrate good sportsmanship towards opposing players, coaches and referees. If the zero tolerance policy against physical and verbal altercation is not followed, parents and or players will be asked to leave the gym.  A full investigation will be conducted by the league, and a decision of up to and including expulsion from the league may be determined.

The Fort Lee Girls Rec League has my permission to use my or my child’s photograph publicly to promote the league, I understand that the images may be used in print publications, online publications, our website, and social media. I also understand that no royalty fee or other compensation shall become payable to me by reason of such use.


Fort Lee Girls Recreation Basketball League

Doug Lopez 917-370-8328 
Fort Lee, New Jersey 07024

Email: [email protected]

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