If you are in need of financial assistance for your child to participate in baseball there are two options available to you:
1. Sports For All Kids Scholarship (SFAK)
This is a local scholarship to make sure all kids have the opportunity to participate in recreational sports by paying 2/3 of their registration fee. In order for your player to qualify for the Sports For All Kids Scholarship this year the following must apply:
1. They must be a student in Danville Community School Corporation.
2. They must receive free or reduced lunch.
3. You must print, fill out and return this FORM sharing your information with SFAK and then send it to DLLBB via email ([email protected]) or US mail to DLLBB PO Box 81 Danville, IN 46122.
Process for Registration
1. Fill out the registration form for your child and leave it open in your cart.
2. Fill out and send us the sharing information document that is linked above.
3. Once the information has been verified by your child's school and SPAK, we will apply the scholarship amount to the order in your cart.
4. You will receive an email letting you know that you have an open balance and will need to then complete your registration.
2. T-Mobile Little League Call Up Grant Program - **NO LONGER AN OPTION FOR 2024 AS ALL FUNDS HAVE BEEN DISTRIBUTED!!**
This is a national program dedicated to helping families in need by covering their Little League Registration fees up to $150.
How to Apply
1. Look at our website to confirm the registration dates and fees for the division your child will be playing in which are needed when filling out your application.
2. Gather eligibility documents with the child's name on them as well as effective dates within the last 12 months. ONE of the following is required to apply:
SNAP enrollment document
WIC enrollment document
Medicaid enrollment document
3. Apply for the grant by going to T-Mobile Grant and clicking Apply Now. You will be notified in 5-7 business days if you qualify.
4. If approved, funds will be provided directly to you via an electronic debit card.
5. Come back to this website and complete your registration.
If you have any questions pertaining to either of these aid options please reach out to the league at [email protected].