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Glenmoore Eagle Little League

  • What are the levels and ages?

    Tee Ball4 & 5
    Coach Pitch6 & 7
    Minors (Kid Pitch) 8 & 9
    Majors10 - 12
    50/70 11 - 13

    Note: 50/70 is an intermediate level of play that indicates the distances between the pitcher’s mound and home plate (50’) and between the bases (70’). Generally speaking, more advanced players play this division starting at 11.

  • What equipment will my child require?

    Every player should have a glove, helmet, and a bat. For league ages above Tee Ball you would also want to have cleats, cup, baseball pants, socks, and belt. It would also be recommended to purchase batting gloves but this is not necessary. You can purchase/use whatever pants, socks and belts if you have them so no need to run out and purchase. However, the coach will generally give some guidance on color for the pants, socks and belt to have the kids all match so check with the coach before purchasing if you plan to do so.

  • Will we get uniforms?

  The league will provide the team jersey and team hat.

  • How often will we practice? How many games will we have?

    Teams will usually have a week day practice/game and a game every Saturday. Times and days of the week will vary to accommodate other activities and family schedules. Also, over the past couple years the league has offered division wide practices on Sundays.

  • What determines a season’s start and end dates?

    Our start times are determined by the Townships as we use their fields. For Spring, the earliest we can play at Hickory is April 1st.

  • Can my child be on the same team with his/her friends?

    In Tee Ball and Coach Pitch divisions we are able to honor most requests. Minors, Majors, and 50/70 teams are chosen following an evaluation to determine safe and evenly matched teams. At these levels, requests are not guaranteed.

  • I’d like my child to have more practice/individual lessons. Do you recommend anywhere for that?

    We are fortunate to have multiple options around us that offer individual coaching. We have collaborated with All Star Baseball Academy in the past but there are plenty of other excellent options available.

  • How can I get involved as a coach?

    See our “Volunteer Opportunities” and the "Coaching FAQ" sections for more info.

Contact Us

Glenmoore Eagle Little League

351 Park Rd 
Chester Springs, Pennsylvania 19425

Email: [email protected]

Glenmoore Eagle Little League

351 Park Rd 
Chester Springs, Pennsylvania 19425

Email: [email protected]
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