COMPLEX POLICIESFor the safety of all our visitors, we ask you to please respect the following VLL Complex policies:
- When there is lightning in the area, all games are put on an immediate 30 minute delay. There are no exceptions to this rule. Games will not resume until 30 minutes after the last lightning seen in the area. Our League has very strict rules regarding this item. The entire complex (including the covered concessions area and dugouts) must be evacuated for the entire time. We request that everyone gets into a hard top vehicle in the parking lot or leaves the area completely.
- No alcohol.
- No smoking.
- No dogs.
- No skateboards, roller blades, or bike-riding on the concourse. We have a skate park within walking distance of the park, just west of the Complex.
Umpires are to be treated with respect at all times. Umpire abuse will not be tolerated. Ejection from the game or team disqualification from the tournament may result. Managers are responsible for themselves, their coaches, players, and fans. More specific details about this expectation can be found in the tournament rules below.
Finally, we ask you to please not carry in food and beverages. We have a fully stocked concession stand that will be open during the entire tournament. Take advantage of the convenience so you don’t miss a pitch! We encourage you to patronize our local Verona restaurants as well, we simply ask that you finish meals before returning to the park. Picnic tables in concessions are for the convenience of our concession customers.