AHSA offers a multitude of sports for home school students in Grades 5 - 12 (ages 10 to 18).
- Each sport usually meets three times per week (3 practices, or 2 practices and 1 game, etc.).
- We are a competitive organization; thus individual play time in games is not equal.
- LOCATIONS: We practice at various gyms and parks throughout the city.
- SCHEDULES will be emailed to you directly from the coaches 1-2 weeks after registration has closed. Schedule information is not available before you register, as schedules may depend upon which team your child is placed within that sport. We determine the number of teams that we will create each season based on how many students have registered and how many parents volunteer to coach teams. We create practice schedules based on the availability of coaches and facilities; therefore, schedules will vary from season to season. Additionally, once games begin, the schedule may vary from week to week depending on the schedule of games that is created by each of the leagues in which we participate. We do not usually receive game schedules from the leagues until mid-way into the practice season, or later.
Refunds (minus a $10-13 processing fee) can be given during the first couple of weeks of practice if it is determined that the schedule will not work for your family. However, please try to be committed when you register, because we use our registration numbers to determine how many teams we will be able to form.
High School Sports: 9th - 12th Grade
Middle School Sports: 5th - 8th Grade
Our sports programs include:
- Flag Football
- Basketball
- Soccer
- Volleyball
- Tennis
- Cross Country
- Track & Field
- Girls Cheer (3rd-8th grade only)
- Golf (5th-8th grade only; individual sport - no team coach)
- Archery (5th-8th grade only; individual sport - no team coach)
Contact Info: [email protected]
Page updated May 2024