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Team Parent Information

Below you will find the Team Parent Responsibilities for SBLL.
The SBLL Board of Directors would like to thank all of our Team Parent Volunteers. You make the season run smoothly.

Little League Day at the Diamondback’s game:
Each year there is a Little League day at a Diamondbacks game. The Team Parent is responsible for determining how many tickets are needed for their team. After turning this information into the game coordinator, the Team Parent distributes the tickets back to the team. The tickets must be prepaid, so please gather checks or money orders made payable to Shaw Butte Little League and contact your team manager for who to contact to reserve the number of tickets needed. The game time and opponent is listed in the Calendar of events.

Trophies: Are not included.
The team parent will be responsible for organizing and ordering the trophies. Parents will be required to pay for their child's trophy.

Picture Day:
Team and individual pictures are done on Opening Day. A picture schedule will be distributed to the Team Parents. It is a good idea to have a designated place for the team to meet at least 15 minutes before your picture time to assure that everyone is there and has all of their order information completed. Please make sure that your parents complete the picture information at home before they come to the field as it will make the picture schedule run smoother. Also, if your whole team is not there and completely ready to go at picture time, it is possible that your team will be skipped. We know you don’t want that to happen, since we all want our pictures done with clean uniforms, not dirty uniforms after they play their game.

Snack Bar Duty:
Your schedule for snack bar duty is provided and posted on the website. It is a good idea to give your parents a chance to sign up to work snack bar because some parents like to work when their kids are playing and some do not. If you do not get cooperation from some, merely assign a time to those parents. Be sure that you have at least three people working during each time your team is assigned. It is also a good idea to email or call the parents scheduled to work on the day before to remind them to serve their shift. Please make sure that your parents know that if for some reason they can’t make their designated time, it is up to them to find a replacement. Your parents must work their designated time regardless of whether or not your team plays. If for some reason your team’s game gets cancelled, the parents still need to work snack bar as there will be other teams playing and the snack bar will be open and running. The only time snack bar duty is cancelled is when all games at the field are cancelled due to rain. Also, no one under the age of 16 is allowed in the snack shack.

Parents must also be aware of health department rules for working in the snack bar.
This is very important as the Health Department may come out for an inspection at any time.
Please have each of your parents read the rules in the handout provided or on the SBLL website. 


Each player receives a shirt, a hat, socks and a belt (depending on the division).
The cost of these items are included in the registration fee.

If you have any questions about uniforms contact
[email protected]




You can now ADD related accounts and invite family members to the player's Team Site.
Review these instructions and then send the other instructions to the recipients

1) Add Related Accounts
to the primary account - CLICK HERE

2) Sign up with an invitation - CLICK HERE


Local Sponsors


Mailing address: 428 E. Thunderbird Road Suite #407 Phoenix AZ 85022 
Field address: 12202 N.21st Avenue at Shaw Butte Elementary, Arizona  

Email: [email protected]

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