Do you live (or attend school} within Shaw Butte Little League boundaries?
Check our boundary map.
If your child is interested in joining a little league team, there are a few important things you will need to know about registration.
You will need to be able to provide proof of where your child lives, or where they attend school, and a proof of age. What information you need to bring may also depend on whether you are registering where your child lives or where they go to school, as they may not always be the same area. This may mean you need to bring school records to show proof of where your child attends school. When registering where your child, you must have 3 or more of the following current documents (dated within the last 12 months) to provide acceptable proof of identity are:
Valid drivers license
School Records
Federal or State Records (Birth Certificate) Utility bills
Financial records
Medical records
Military records
Vehicle records
Employment records
Tenant or homeowners records
Municipal records
Child support records
Welfare/Childcare records
Voter’s Registration
State records
Utility bills
Remember, if you are registering your child based on their school location, you MUST provide the School Enrollment Waiver. You must also have a proof of age document to register for both in town and by school.