- What is the NALL mailing address?
NASA Area Little League
P.O. Box 891183
Houston, TX 77289
- When is registration?
Registration for the Spring Season typically runs through January. Registration for Fall Ball typically runs through September. Please visit our website or Facebook page for specific registration dates.
- Do I have to live within NALL's boundaries to play?
Generally, yes. Prior to registering with NALL, please take a look at our boundary map. Our exterior borders are determined by Little League. There are waiver processes in place that allow for children living outside our boundaries to play at NALL. Please note that if you live outside NALL boundaries, we ask that you bring that to our attention immediately. The waiver process often requires several layers of approval from various Little League offices and time is always of the essence.
- How many times per week do the kids practice?
Practice days and times will vary on the age of your child and the team's coach. Most teams will practice up to 3 times per week until games start and then only practice once or twice per week after games start depending on the game schedule. Practice days and times will be at the discretion of the coach so please share with him any conflicts you may have.
When are the games?
Game schedules will be set after the team draft is complete. All divisions will have at least one game per week. T-Ball typically has one game per week. Coach Pitch will have two games per week. PeeWee, Texas, Minors, and Majors may have up to three games per week. Schedules are subject to change due to weather. We generally try to avoid games on Sunday.
Where are the games played?
All games, with the exception of All-Star games, are played at the NALL Complex at 1200 Ramada Drive, Houston, TX 77062.
How do I know what division my child is in?
Please refer to the Age Determination Chart to see what division your child will be in.
What will my child need to play?
During the spring season, NALL provides every registered child with a team jersey, hat, belt, and socks. During the fall season, NALL only provides hats and shirts. Players are responsible for their own pants, glove, helmet, cleats, and bat. NALL hosts an Equipment Exchange that allows new players to take items that other players have left for exchange. Returning NALL players must leave an item to take an item. The Player Exchange will be available during Player Evaluations. Also note that many players share bats with one another. Please do not purchase pants until your have spoken with your Team Coach. Each coach will decide on their own color of pants for their team.
What are the Player Clinics? Are they mandatory?
Every registered NALL player is allowed to attend our Player Clinics. Player Clinics are a chance for the players to learn basic baseball skills for their age level. For insurance purposes, you must be registered prior to attending a Player Clinic. Player Clinics are optional.
What are Player Evaluations? Are they mandatory?
Player Evaluations give the coaches a chance to evaluate each player and their skill set. NALL believes teams should be evenly divided based on skill level, eliminating "stacked teams". Player Evaluations are MANDATORY for all players with the exception of T-Ball. Please arrive at Player Evaluations 15 to 20 minutes early. Certain time frames fill up fast and you must check in prior to being evaluated.
What is the refund policy?
No refunds will be given after teams are formed.
What kind of bat should I buy?
Please visit the Little League website to see the types of bats allowed. Please note that as of January 1, 2018, the new USA Baseball Bat Standard was implemented.
What is a Player Agent?
NALL has a Player Agent assigned for each division. The purpose of the Player Agent is to ensure each division runs smoothly with the best interest of the players in mind. The Player Agent serves as the liaison between the parents and the elected board of directors. Parents are encouraged to engage their Player Agent with any issues they feel are not being adequately address by their coach.
Why does NALL conduct background checks on volunteers?
Little League International requires its member leagues to search the Department of Justice National Sex Offender Registry and conduct a national criminal background check for each volunteer with regular service to the league or repetitive access to children.
How does the draft work? (Spring Season Only)
The draft process is a method in which the managers select their teams. Selection is made in a "serpentine process" where Manager #1 picks a player, then Manager #2 and so on until the last manager has picked a player. This ends a "draft round" and the process reverses, with the last manager starting the next round. This continues until all teams have selected a pre-determined amount of players.
Can a parent request their child be on a specific team?
In the fall, yes. In the spring, no. The only players guaranteed to be on a specific coach's team is that coach's child. The league can accommodate certain hardships, such as transportation concerns, that require two players to be paired together during the draft. These will be handled on a case-by-case basis. There are no guarantees.
Is there a mandatory fundraiser?
As a non-profit entity that doesn't receive any financial assistance from any city or municipality, fundraisers are a way of life at NALL. However, players are only required to participate in one fundraiser a year, which occurs at the beginning of the spring season.
How much does it cost to play?
Spring 2025 Registration Costs*:
$125 - T-Ball
$200 - PeeWee
$265 - Coach Pitch (Formerly Machine Pitch)
$265 - Texas
$265 - Minors
$265 - Majors
What is All-Stars and how does it work?
All-Stars is the highly competitive post-season tournament play. The Coach Pitch (Formerly Machine Pitch) through Majors divisions participate in All-Stars. Any player League Age 7 or older who is currently eligible. Read more about All-Stars here.
What is time commitment for All-Stars?
The time commitment for All-Stars is significant. Teams typically practice 5-7 days per week for about two hours at a time. Players must be available for all practices and games.
What is the cost for All-Stars?
Making the All-Star teams are a great achievement for the kids. To recognize their hard work, as well as the families commitment, NALL covers the uniform cost for All-Star players.
How does the All-Star selection process work?
Any eligible player wanting to be considered for All-Star selection completes the All-Star Application Form. The selection process differs slightly between divisions. Visit our All-Stars page for specifics.