2024 SEASON INFORMATION Divisions: Tiny Mite- Tackle age 7 yrs this is a weight based division 35-80 lbs. Weigh ins before games. If your player is a little over there is lots of practice time to get in the weight range.8U- age 8 tackle 9U- age 9 tackle10U- age 9-10 tackle 11U- age 11 tackle12U- age 11-12 tackle13U- ages 12-13 tackle *All ages are based on birthdate as of 7/31/2024*Cost:$240- Includes uniforms to keep
Practice Times:M through Th 6-8:30PM until school starts Tue-Thu 6-8PM once school starts
Game Days: Game Days & Times are released by CNY Pop Warner. Games weekend or possibly weekdays.(all schedules subject to change)Examples of Additional Costs - Tackle Football:
PO Box 2504 Liverpool, New York 13089