Our teams are dedicated to playing to their highest potential every game and every practice. These players devote many hours to skill training and practice ...
Team building is an ongoing process that helps a group evolve into a cohesive unit. The team members trust and support one another and respect one another.
Perseverance the continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition
Team unity is the glue that sticks together the members of teams so that they work together and not against each other.
Our panthers volunteering for Sandwich Saturdays to help the homeless in our community.
Panther Nation!!! Panther Family!!!
Spring flag football and sideline cheer registration will be open soon!
Clay Panthers Football & Cheerleading Association is focused on providing an extracurricular Cheerleading and Football program for the youth within our community. We are devoted to the safety, education and sportsmanship of our young athletes. Some of the many reasons people choose to play Pop Warner are: NO TRYOUTS! Pop Warner programs have no tryouts or cutting of rosters! More than just athletes! Pop Warner is the only national youth sports organization in America that requires its participants to perform adequately in the classroom before permitting them to play.Little Scholars Program Pop Warner is the only national youth sports organization in America that rewards its members for their outstanding performance in the classroom.Stability Pop Warner is the oldest national youth football and cheerleading organization in the world. Founded in 1929 by Joe Tomlin, we now have over 120 leagues and over 400,000 members. Cost –A typical registration fee for each participant ranges.*Registration fees are set by each local program. National Scholar Banquet – Pop Warner hosts an awards program each year to celebrate the accomplishments of our participants. Nationally, we select First Team, Second Team and Honorable Mention. All-American Scholars College Scholarships – Each year, we award scholarships for higher education to the most deserving students in our highest grade levels. Pop Warner is proud to have awarded nearly one million dollars in scholarships in just 17 years!
Clay Panthers Field
PO Box 2504 Liverpool, New York 13089