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Hertel North Park Youth Baseball League home of the North Buffalo Blaze and North Buffalo Wildcats

Welcome to North Buffalo Baseball & Softball at Shoshone Park

Rules: Additional



  1. All loose equipment (bats, helmets, balls, etc.) are to be kept in the dugout.
  2. The umpires association will invoke a 10 run rule after 4 1/2 innings or 5 innings if the home team is trailing. This will come into effect only after 2 hours of play.
  3. Only wooden and bamboo bats are allowed. All types of composite bats are not allowed.
  4. Each team will be required to play with a 10 person batting lineup with free defensive substitutions OR a coach can opt to bat the bench and have free defensive substitutions in the regular season. (Exception – A team only has 9 players at the beginning of the game. If and when a 10th player shows up, they immediately assume the #10 spot in the batting order.) All players, including call-ups, are required to play a minimum of 3 defensive innings and bat once. Call-ups cannot play more innings than a rostered player. All players may re-enter once into the lineup. If a player gets injured and no other players are able to fulfill that spot, the lineup gets shrunk to 9 batters. If a player gets ejected, the team will take an out in that batting spot the remainder of the game. 
  5. Pitching: There will be a seven (7) innings in two (2) consecutive games rollover for the Senior Boys



  1. The balk rule is in effect. There will be 1 warning issued to each pitcher for each game played for the first 7 games played.
  2. On a batted ball, batter may advance at own risk on overthrow, except in cases of interference or dead ball.
  3. Adults only shall coach bases.
  4. There will be a 10 run mercy rule after 4 ½ innings completed at the discretion of the association umpire
  5. Pitchers are limited to a maximum of 9 consecutive outs per game.


  1. Stealing of bases is allowed. A runner may not leave the base until the ball reaches home plate. If a runner leaves early, a team warning will be issued. On the next occurrence, the runner shall be declared "out", the ball will be declared dead and the pitch will not count. 
  2. There will be no stealing of home plate at any point. The runner can be “picked off” from 3rd base, but cannot score. He must be batted or forced in to score. 
  3. On a batted ball, batter may advance at own risk on overthrow, except in cases of interference or dead ball
  4. No coaches are allowed to cross the foul line to address an umpire.
  5. Pitchers are limited to a maximum of 6 consecutive outs per game.


  1. There is no stealing of bases and/or leadoff in this division. Players may advance when a play is made on him or another base runner, on a batted ball, or when he is forced to vacate the base because of a hit, a batter hit by a pitched ball, etc. One team warning shall be given on the first violation of this rule. If a player is caught leaving a base early and a warning has already been given to the team, he will be called out. The ball will be declared dead and the pitch will not count.
  2. On a batted ball, batter may advance at own risk on overthrow, except in cases of interference or dead ball. The play will end when the ball is returned to the infield and a player has possession of the ball. Base runners can advance 1 base on an infield hit, similar to the Rookie rule. 
  3. On a ball hit to the outfield, runners may continue to run until the ball is returned to the infield and in possession. At this point, runners may continue to the base they are going to and no further. However, the defensive team may still make a play on the runners. (Base will not be automatically awarded, runners must reach base safely.) Defense will not be penalized for attempting to make a play.
  4. On a ball overthrown and out of play, (beyond the extended fence line at the front of the dugout) the batter/runner will be awarded 2nd base. No other runners advance unless forced. On any overthrown ball that stays in play, all runners remain at their bases and may not advance. Runners who overrun second or third may be tagged out on continuation of a play being made at that base.
  5. The 2nd Minors use ten (10) players. The 10th player must play on the outfield grass.
  6. Curveballs are strongly discouraged.
  7. The last batter in an inning may not reach 1st base by hit by pitch. He will continue to bat until struck out, hits the ball, or is put out by a defensive play. If the batter cannot continue after being struck by a pitch, he will be replaced by the next batter in the lineup and will assume the count. 
  8. There are no walks. After 4 balls have been thrown to a batter, the coach from the batting team will come out to the mound and pitch to the batter until he strikes out or hits the ball. All pitches must be overhand. If the coach comes in to pitch, the pitcher must stand directly next to the pitching rubber on either side of the rubber, and not in front of the pitching rubber. The coach will throw all pitches from the same pitching rubber used by the players. The coach shall stay on the dirt around the pitching rubber, and avoid contact with the ball to the best of their ability. If the coach is hit, the ball will be dead, and one base is awarded. The coach is not allowed to use a glove.
  9. If a coach is required to come out to pitch to their batter, the batter’s count will revert back to 1 strike if the batter has 2 strikes on him when the coach enters to pitch. If the batter has 1 or 0 strikes on them when the coach enters to pitch, they will maintain the same count. Any person affiliated with the team who is at least 18 years of age is eligible to be the "coach" who pitches.
  10. The batter will get six pitches maximum, unless the batter fouls off the sixth pitch, or the last pitch is wild in the umpire’s judgment.
  11. No coaches are allowed to cross the foul line to address an umpire.
  12. Pitchers are limited to 3 consecutive outs per game. This will change to 6 consecutive outs in the playoffs.


Objective: The purpose of Rookie League is to teach the boys baseball. Secondary in purpose, but also important, is to teach them the sense of sportsmanship and fair play. Be a model that they can learn from properly. There are enough poor sports and bad attitudes in youth sports today and the place to start properly is in Rookie League.

  1. Each team will field ten (10) players. Four players must be on the outfield grass. There will be 1 pitcher and 1 catcher.
  2. All players, except the batter and on deck batter, shall be seated on the bench.
  3. All players are strongly encouraged to wear mouthpieces. All players will wear a protective cup.
  4. No leadoff is allowed. Players may not run until the ball is hit. A player leaving early will be sent back by the umpire.
  5. On a batted ball to the infield, runners may advance at their own risk of being put out. No additional bases will be awarded for any overthrown base. The spirit of this rule is make sure the defensive players always attempt to make a play. A runner that is attempting to take second or third base on a batted ball is subject to being tagged out if they overrun the base during the continuation of a play. The spirit of this rule is to teach the runners to stop on second and third, and to teach the defense that they can be tagged out if they do not.
  6. On a ball hit to the outfield, runners may continue to run until the ball is returned to the infield. At this point, runners may continue to the base they are going to and no further. However, the defensive team may still make a play on the runners. (Base will not be automatically awarded, runners must reach base safely.)
  7. Umpire will load machine.
  8. After ball is hit, the umpire will protect the players from contact with the machine.
  9. 3 strikes and the batter is out, unless strike 3 is fouled off. There are no walks.
  10. Each batter will get six pitches maximum, unless the batter fouls off the sixth pitch, or the last pitch is wild in the umpire’s judgment.
  11. If a thrown ball hits the pitching machine, the ball is dead and all runners advance to the base they were running to.
  12. A batted ball that hits the pitching machine or umpire it will be declared dead. It will be treated as a single. Each runner will advance one base. For purposes of this rule, the pitching machine will be treated as the umpire.
  13. Players playing the pitcher position must position himself outside the circle and directly next to the pitching machine on either side of the machine. NO PLAYER MAY ENTER THE CIRCLE OR REACH INTO IT TO MAKE A PLAY. If they do, it will be treated as a single. Each runner will advance one base if forced to advance by the single.
  14. The catcher must be positioned in the “catcher’s box”.
  15. Defensive playing time – No player may play the same position 2 innings in a row. Also, each player must play a minimum of 1 of their defensive innings at an infield position. Pitcher and Catcher are considered infield positions.
  16. Coaches will utilize a defensive player chart to track player utilization. 
  17. The defensive team has the option of placing one of their adult coaches in Right-Center field and another adult coach in Left Center field for the purpose of directing the defensive players. The coaches are to position themselves behind ALL outfielders. At no point should the dugout be unsupervised to take advantage of this option.
  18. If the coach is hit with a batted ball, picks up the ball, catches the ball, or interferes in any other way, the batter will be awarded a double. If the coaches interference is deemed intentional, the umpire may reward additional bases at their discretion.
  19. All players must stay behind the pitching machine until the ball is hit.
  20. Pitcher may wear helmet/facial protection while occupying position.
  21. No coaches are allowed to cross the foul line to address an umpire. Defensive coaches already on the field, shall not enter the infield to address an umpire.
  22. The game shall begin with the pitching machine set at a distance of 40 feet and a speed of 35 MPH. Umpires, in consultation with the coaches, shall have the ability to modify that if there are issues with the machine.


  1. On a batted ball. The batter may advance to second base on a wild throw out of the baseline (an imaginary line drawn from the backstop straight out to the outfield which is approximately 10 ft. from the base) but must make the base except in the case of interference or a dead ball.
  2. Senior Ponytail will use 13 to 16 year olds. Games will consist of seven (7) innings, with three (3) outs per inning. Five (5) complete innings constitute a full game.
  3. In Senior Ponytail, the batter shall advance to first base if a pitched ball that she is not attempting to hit touches her. She will not advance to first base if she makes no attempt to avoid being hit by the pitch.
  4. The umpires association will invoke a 15 run rule after 41/2 innings or 5 innings if the home team is trailing. This will come into effect after 2 hours of play.
  5. Pitching : There will be a twelve (12) innings over two (2) consecutive games rollover for Senior Girls


  1. Stealing of bases is allowed. A runner may not leave the base until the ball reaches home plate. If a runner leaves early, she will be called out. The ball will be declared dead and the pitch will not count. 
  2. There will be no stealing of home plate at any point. The runner can be “picked off” from 3rd base, but cannot score. She must be batted or forced in to score. 
  3. On a batted ball, the batter may advance to second base on a wild throw out of the baseline (an imaginary line drawn from the backstop straight out to the outfield which is approximately 10 ft. from the base) but must make the base except in the case of interference or a dead ball.
    Major Ponytail play will end when the pitcher has possession of the ball and is in contact with the rubber.
  4. In Major Ponytail, the batter shall advance to first base if a pitched ball that she is not attempting to hit touches her. She will not advance to first base if she makes no attempt to avoid being hit by the pitch.
  5. Pitching :There will be a seven (7) innings over two (2) consecutive games rollover for Major Girls.


  1. Stealing of bases is allowed. A runner may not leave the base until the ball reaches home plate. If a runner leaves early, a team warning will be issued. On the next occurrence, the runner shall be declared "out", the ball will be declared dead and the pitch will not count. There is no stealing allowed when a coach is pitching.

  2. There are no walks. After 4 balls have been thrown to a batter, the coach from the batting team will come out to the mound and pitch to the batter until he strikes out or hits the ball.. When the coach enters to pitch the count on the batter remains the same. If the coach comes in to pitch, the pitcher must stand directly next to the pitching rubber on either side of the rubber, and not in front of the pitching rubber. The coach will throw all pitches from the same pitching rubber used by the players. The coach shall stay on the dirt around the pitching rubber, and avoid contact with the ball to the best of their ability. If the coach is hit, the ball will be dead, and one base is awarded. The coach is not allowed to use a glove. There is a six pitch maximum unless the sixth pitch is foul. Umpires may call strikes on a coaches pitch.

  3. There will be no stealing of home plate at any point. The runner can be “picked off” from 3rd base, but cannot score. The player  must be batted or forced in to score. 

  4. On a batted ball, the batter may advance at own risk on an overthrow, except in cases of interference or dead ball.

  5. No coaches are allowed to cross the foul line to address an umpire.

  6. Pitchers are limited to 6 consecutive outs per game.


  1. There is no stealing of bases and/or leadoff in this division. Players may advance when a play is made on him or another base runner, on a batted ball, or when he is forced to vacate the base because of a hit, a batter hit by a pitched ball, etc. One team warning shall be given on the first violation of this rule. If a player is caught leaving a base early and a warning has already been given to the team, he will be called out. The ball will be declared dead and the pitch will not count.

  2. On a batted ball, batter may advance at own risk on overthrow, except in cases of interference or dead ball. The play will end when the ball is returned to the infield and a player has possession of the ball. Base runners can advance 1 base on an infield hit, similar to the Rookie rule. 

  3. On a ball hit to the outfield, runners may continue to run until the ball is returned to the infield and in possession. At this point, runners may continue to the base they are going to and no further. However, the defensive team may still make a play on the runners. (Base will not be automatically awarded, runners must reach base safely.) Defense will not be penalized for attempting to make a play.

  4. On a ball overthrown and out of play, (beyond the extended fence line at the front of the dugout) the batter/runner will be awarded 2nd base. No other runners advance unless forced. On any overthrown ball that stays in play, all runners remain at their bases and may not advance. Runners who overrun second or third may be tagged out on continuation of a play being made at that base.

  5. The 2nd Minors use ten (10) players. The 10th player must play on the outfield grass. Teams may play with as few as eight players.

  6. The last batter in an inning may not reach 1st base by hit by pitch. He will continue to bat until struck out, hits the ball, or is put out by a defensive play. If the batter cannot continue after being struck by a pitch, he will be replaced by the next batter in the lineup and will assume the count. 

  7. There are no walks. After 4 balls have been thrown to a batter, the coach from the batting team will come out to the mound and pitch to the batter until he strikes out or hits the ball.. If the coach comes in to pitch, the pitcher must stand directly next to the pitching rubber on either side of the rubber, and not in front of the pitching rubber. The coach will throw all pitches from the same pitching rubber used by the players. The coach shall stay on the dirt around the pitching rubber, and avoid contact with the ball to the best of their ability. If the coach is hit, the ball will be dead, and one base is awarded. The coach is not allowed to use a glove. Umpires may call strikes during coach pitch.

  8. If a coach is required to come out to pitch to their batter, the batter’s count will revert back to 1 strike if the batter has 2 strikes on him when the coach enters to pitch. If the batter has 1 or 0 strikes on them when the coach enters to pitch, they will maintain the same count.

  9. The batter will get six pitches maximum, unless the batter fouls off the sixth pitch, or the last pitch is wild in the umpire’s judgment.

  10. No coaches are allowed to cross the foul line to address an umpire.

  11. Pitchers are limited to 3 consecutive outs per game. This will change to 6 consecutive outs in the playoffs.



Objective: The purpose of Rookie League is to teach the girls softball. Secondary in purpose, but also important, is to teach them the sense of sportsmanship and fair play. Be a model that they can learn from properly. There are enough poor sports and bad attitudes in youth sports today and the place to start properly is in Rookie League.

  1. Each team will field ten (10) players. Four players must be on the outfield grass. There will be 1 pitcher and 1 catcher.
  2. All players, except the batter and on deck batter, shall be seated on the bench.
  3. No leadoff is allowed. Players may not run until the ball is hit. A player leaving early will be sent back by the umpire.
  4. On a batted ball to the infield, runners may advance at their own risk of being put out. No additional bases will be awarded for any overthrown base. The spirit of this rule is make sure the defensive players always attempt to make a play. A runner that is attempting to take second or third base on a batted ball is subject to being tagged out if they overrun the base during the continuation of a play. The spirit of this rule is to teach the runners to stop on second and third, and to teach the defense that they can be tagged out if they do not.
  5. On a ball hit to the outfield, runners may continue to run until the ball is returned to the infield. At this point, runners may continue to the base they are going to and no further. However, the defensive team may still make a play on the runners. (Base will not be automatically awarded, runners must reach base safely.)
  6. The umpire will load machine and adjust for each batter.
  7. After ball is hit, the umpire will protect the players from contact with the machine.
  8. 3 strikes and the batter is out, unless strike 3 is fouled off.
  9. Each batter will get seven pitches maximum, unless the batter fouls off the seventh pitch, or the last pitch is wild in the umpire’s judgment.
  10. If a thrown ball hit the pitching machine, the ball is dead and all runners advance to the base they were running to.
  11. A batted ball that hits the pitching machine or umpire it will be declared dead. It will be treated as a single. Each runner will advance one base. For purposes of this rule, the pitching machine will be treated as the umpire.
  12. Player playing the pitcher position must position herself outside the circle and the pitcher must stand directly next to the pitching rubber on either side of the rubber, and not in front of the pitching rubber. NO PLAYER MAY ENTER THE CIRCLE OR REACH INTO IT TO MAKE A PLAY. If they do, it will be treated as a single. Each runner will advance one base if forced to advance by the single.
  13. The Rookie League use ten (10) players.
  14. If reasonable attempts have been made to get call-ups from tee-ball, Rookie teams may play with a minimum of 8 players if necessary for the 2017 season. 
  15. Defensive playing time – No player may play the same position 2 innings in a row. Also, each player must play a minimum of 1 of their defensive innings at an infield position. Pitcher and Catcher are considered infield positions.
  16. Coaches will utilize a defensive player chart to track player utilization
  17. The defensive team has the option of placing one of their adult coaches in Right-Center field and another adult coach in Left Center field for the purpose of directing the defensive players. The coaches are to position themselves behind ALL outfielders. At no point should the dugout be unsupervised to take advantage of this option.
  18. If the coach is hit with a batted ball, picks up the ball, catches the ball, or interferes in any other way, the batter will be awarded a double.
  19. All players must stay behind the pitching machine until the ball is hit.
  20. Pitcher may wear helmet/facial protection while occupying the position.
  21. No coaches are allowed to cross the foul line to address an umpire. Defensive coaches already on the field, shall not enter the infield to address an umpire.
    1. The game shall begin with the pitching machine set at a distance of 30 feet and a speed of 30 MPH. Umpires, in consultation with the coaches, shall have the ability to modify that if there are issues with the machine.

Contact Us

Hertel North Park Youth Baseball League

PO Box 868 
Buffalo, New York 14207

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 716-862-0243
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