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Oak Park Lacrosse Club

Oak Park Lacrosse Club

Girls Rules

OPLAX and the SCLA follow the rules and guidelines set forth by US Lacrosse to ensure fair and safe play. Modifications to these rules and guidelines are published here and are updated before the start of each season.


General Rules

1.  Colored mouth guards are required for all players.  Mouthpieces may not be clear, white or have graphics of white teeth.

2.  US Lacrosse approved protective eyewear is mandatory.

3.  No jewelry.

4.  Head coaches are required to attend pre-game meeting at mid-field.

5. Maximum number of coaches allowed on the sidelines per team is three (3).

6.  Spectators must be on the opposite side of the field of the players and coaches (unless on stadium seated field.)

7.  Goalie must be fully protected according to US Lacrosse Rules.

8.  Time outs are two (2) minutes, one timeout per half.  Time outs can be used following a goal and on a dead ball with possession.  Injury time outs are taken by the official and should stop the game clock.

9.  On the fly substitutions for all levels.

10.  Yellow, bright orange or lime NOCSAE certified balls must be used.  Women’s lacrosse regulation sticks only; no mesh pockets, except for goalkeepers.

11.  Players shake hands, not sticks, following games.

12.  Player serving a two (2) minute penalty time must serve it in the substitution area.

13.  Two yellow cards by the same player in the same game will lead to disqualification for that player for that game.

14.  A red card issued to a player, coach or spectator will be an automatic ejection from that game.  Players receiving a red card are suspended for that game and the next subsequent game.  Players, coaches and spectators ejected from a game are subject to additional disciplinary actions.

15.  If it is an unusually hot day, and an additional water time out is needed, the coaches will decide before the game and inform the officials.

16.  The winner of the coin toss will have the option of choosing ends of the field or having the first possession that occurs.

17.  Goalkeeper may not draw, shoot or score for her own team.

Elementary School Rules


1.  20- minute halves – running time with the clock stopped during the last minute of each half and during time outs. One -two (2) minute timeout per half.  Half time is 5 minutes.

2.  Teams will play 7v7, the goalie counts as one of the 7 players.  Providing a goalie is strongly recommended, however if neither team has a goalie, the game will still be played 7v7, all field players.

3. Game played on a modified field.

4.  Three (3) pass rule.  Must be a legitimate pass attempt. No dumping ball from one stick to another. If ball is dropped, it still counts as an attempted pass.
******1st pass from goalie is allowed, 2nd and 3rd pass must occur past the half field line before a player is able to take a shot on goal.  
*******A team loses possession once the defending team takes the ball past half field.  
*******The 3-pass rule resets at that time.

5.  A player may shoot from a free position, as long as the 3 pass rule has been met.

6. No checking

7.  No zone defense, man-to-man only.  No double teams.

8.   There will be a draw after each goal.  The game, and each half will be started with a draw, even if a team is down by four (4) or more goals.

9.  Team will get free possession at midfield after a goal when down by four (4) or more goals.  Coach of the trailing team may opt for the draw.

10.  No offsides.  Goalie must stay behind midfield line.

11.  No 3-second violation in the 8–meter arc.

12.  Offensive three (3) seconds rule called if defense is in a checkable position. A player who has held the ball for more than 3 seconds in a closely guarded situation will be assessed a minor foul in accordance with USL Girls Youth Rules.  Closely guarded is defined as within a sticks length.

13.  One coach allowed on the field for the purpose of coaching.

14.  Stick follow thru not allowed in goal circle.

15.  No overtime.

16.  Score of the game will be recorded and shown.


a. Player’s sticks may touch the ground over the center circle and restraining line on the draw. 
b. During the draw, both sticks must be parallel to and above the center line.


Middle School Rules

1.  25 -minute running time with the clock stopped during the last minute of each half and during timeouts.  One -two (2) minute timeout per half.  Half time is 5 minutes.

2.  Modified checking (below the shoulder.)

3.  Offensive three (3) second rule called if defense is in a checkable position.  A player who has held the ball for more than (3) seconds in a closely guarded situation will be assessed a minor foul in accordance with USL Girls Youth Rules.  Closely guarded is defined as within a stick's length.

4. Team will get free possession at midfield after goal when down by four (4) or more goals.  One pass required.  Coach of the trailing team may opt for the draw.

5.  Stick follow thru not allowed in goal circle.

6.  No coaches allowed on the field.

7.  Regulation pocket and stick length.  

8.   One - four (4) minute, sudden death overtime.  No time outs during OT.  First goal ends the game.

9.  Score of the game will be recorded and shown.

10.  USL  U14 Women’s rules used in addition to the above modifications.


a. Player’s sticks may touch the ground over the center circle and restraining line on the draw. 
b. During the draw, both sticks must be parallel to and above the center line.

We ask that all parents and players educate themselfs and learn the rules of the game. Our coaches and board members can help with rule questions and clarifications if needed. Full rules can be found on the US Lacrosse website:

Contact Us

Oak Park Lacrosse Club

638 Lindero Canyon Road #257 
Oak Park, California 91377

Email Us: [email protected]
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