Chicago Rush Soccer is committed to providing an unparalleled soccer experience for all who have interest in the game of soccer. Chicago Rush Fox Valley is a player-centered club that promotes the development of character, the excitement of competition and the importance of pure enjoyment. We accept the responsibility of teaching life lessons to our athletes to further their growth inside the game and out. We believe that all players should be afforded an equal opportunity to explore their potential and participate in challenging circumstances that will yield positive outcomes. We are committed to making soccer a pleasant, safe and rewarding experience for everyone involved, regardless of age or ability. Through quality coaching, sound leadership and absolute sincerity, Chicago Rush Fox Valley is working hard to be the best in the western suburbs. We are able to offer local, regional and national levels of competition with our select programs, Super Y, National Rush nomination and many opportunities for players of every level. We are a non-profit and provide need-based scholarships through our foundation for those players that need it. Our foundation committee works tirelessly on fundraising events throughout the year to help provide these scholarships. We also have our April Claussner Memorial Scholarship, in honor of April Claussner, an amazing member of our Rush Family who passed away in the Fall of 2019. This scholarship is awarded to Chicago Rush Fox Valley High School Seniors that portray the amazing qualities that April portrayed every day of her life! We miss April and it is an honor and privilege to award this scholarship in her name.
For more information or to join Chicago Rush Fox Valley, please contact [email protected]
"Where the Trails of Passion and Purpose Meet, Begins the Path to Victory"