'Developing Quality People and Quality Players'
Our Fall & Spring Recreation programs are for both boys and girls, ages 3 - 19 years old. Our program uses volunteer parent coaches to lead the teams. The goals of these programs are centered around the joy of playing soccer and providing a fun atmosphere where the child can play and grow. Registration is open to anyone who wants to participate.
*See Important Uniform Policy Below*
U5 - U19 Divisions
Teams will practice one evening during the week and play games on weekends, typically Saturdays. Practices typically run from 6:00 - 7:00 PM and are offered Monday - Friday. During registration process you may select a day that does not work for you and your child will be placed on a team that practices on another night. Games for U5 - U12 are usually held at Pole Green Park while U13 - U19 are typically held at Taylor Park. U5 - U19 divisions are offered in coed, while we also currently offer girls divisions in our U5 - U12 age groups.
U4 Dynamites Academy Program
The U4 Dynamites Program is based out of Pole Green Park on Saturdays. They do not have a weekly practice. They will receive a t-shirt and socks with their registration fee. Each team will be assigned a volunteer coach who will run the first part of each session. Teams will then break off into a 20 minute game. Additional information
Early Registration* | Regular Registration* |
U4: $85 | U4: $100 |
U5 - U6: $95 | U5 - U6: $110 |
U7 - U10: $100 | U7 - U10: $120 |
U11 - U19: $110 | U11 - U19: $130 |
*A fundraising fee of $20 is added at time of registration for both Fall & Spring Seasons. See Fundraiser section for more information.
*A Late Registration fee of $20 will be applied to those registrations submitted after the regular registration deadline.
Field Locations
We are allocated fields in both Hanover and Henrico Counties. Practice location requests can be made for Pole Green Park, Courthouse Park, or Taylor Park in Hanover County. The Henrico County location will be determined before the start of each season, typically Fairfield Middle School.
Uniform Policy
Team shirts are included in the registration price for players in U4 - U6 divisions. Players in the U7 - U19 divisions will need to purchase their uniform at time of registration. (Uniforms are purchased through Soccer Post) Players are required to have both the Navy (Home) and the White (Away) jersey. Use the 'Uniform Link' tab on our website. A link will also be emailed out upon registration. During the uniform ordering process, players are able to choose their own number. Players will be able to reuse their uniforms from season to season. Uniform Order Form
*Uniforms are purchased through Soccer Post.
Spring/Fall Fundraiser
There is a $20 fundraiser fee that will be applied to your registration total. Each family will receive 10 raffle tickets for each child registered participation in the fundraiser. You have the option to either use the raffle tickets for yourself, fill out your name and information, and turn them in to possibly win prizes OR you can sell each ticket for $2 each to get your money back. Prizes will be determined each season the fundraiser is held. If you have any questions regarding our Fundraiser, please give us a call (804) 730-6510
Interested in Getting Involved?
Dynamo Soccer Club recreation program runs on parent volunteers and offers many opportunities for parents to get involved with their child's team. From coaching to team managers, there are many opportunities for everyone to become more involved. For more information on the opportunities available, click HERE.
Finding The Correct Age Group
Age groups are based on a players birth year. During the registration process, the system will automatically place your player in the appropriate age group. Please understand that playing outside of your age group is not allowed in Recreation play. A complete list of birthdates and correlating age divisions may be found on our FAQs page, located HERE. If you feel that your child needs more of a challenge, please check out our Academy Program or Travel Program.